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In This Issue: Mining the Forum

By Todd Post The APPL tree of knowledge bears fruit once again.

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ASK Talks with Cathy Peddie

Cathy Peddie is Assistant Manager of the Ultra Efficient Engine Technology (UEET) Program Office at the NASA John H. Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio.

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PERT Charts Take Precedence

By Ray Morgan Most program/project and task managers use the Gantt chart format for their graphic display of project plans and actual accomplishments.

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Speed Merchants

A Conversation with W. Scott Cameron and Terry Little We’re all interested in quality, but if we can’t deliver a project on time, quality becomes a moot point.

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The Story of JPL Stories

By Teresa Bailey A few years ago, I attended a national conference on knowledge management. Larry Prusak gave the keynote address. He distilled what was important about knowledge management in a single word: storytelling.

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Scheduling in the Real World

By Marty Davis A decade ago when I came to the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) program, we had one limping spacecraft, plus a satellite rented from the Europeans. I had to start by assuming, essentially, that we had no resources in orbit.

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Back to Basics

By Dr. Owen Gadeken Several years ago, I was leading a team-building workshop for an Army program office at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and I had divided the group into five-person teams to compete against each other in a desert survival simulation exercise.

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By Ken Schwer “I want you to take charge of this project,” said my supervisor. In this case, it was a project that entailed starting from scratch, not picking up the reins of an established mission from a previous management.

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Give it to Chuck

By Frank Snow When I was the Ground System Project Manager for the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE), Chuck Athas, who had extensive experience with large NASA and DoD systems, was officially my scheduler and planner, but he was also my can-do person.

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