By David Collins Early in my career, I was asked to finish instrumenting the Hubble Space Telescope as it traveled from California to Kennedy Space Center.
By Dr. Arnold Marder This year my friend Arlan Benscoter received one of the highest honors in the field of metallography. Arlan was awarded a fellowship by ASM International,* and he richly deserved it.
By Dougal Maclise A Mission Defined At the flight readiness review the day before we were scheduled to fly, I had to stand up and say, “We need a flight to know if we’re ready.”
By Julie A. Pollitt Why put my career at NASA on hold for a year to become a Science and Technology Policy Fellow on Capitol Hill?
Good project managers understand that it is important to involve the customer in the project deeply. Involvement can mean a lot of things, but generally it requires the project manager to listen to and be responsive to the customer’s needs.
By Ed Hoffman Much of what I know about success and leadership comes from my early experiences working at Abada International, a small import/export company based in New York City, and its colorful owner Joe Abada.
By Todd Post Hard to believe we’ve done six issues already. Our charter was to come out bimonthly, and only 9-11 slowed down our production schedule.
I remember reading in Project Management Success Stories: Lessons of Project Leaders how you once took aside someone who was driving a forklift carrying an expensive piece of hardware and explained to him what he was handling, what it was supposed to be used for, how it would affect his life.
By Todd Post The 2001 Master’s Forum was held at the Doubletree Hotel in Tysons Corner, Virginia, and NASA project managers from every center were on hand.