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The deployment of the flag of the United States on the surface of the moon is captured on film during the first Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. Here, astronaut Neil A. Armstrong, commander, stands on the left at the flag's staff. Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot, is also pictured. The picture was taken from film exposed by the 16mm Data Acquisition Camera (DAC) which was mounted in the Lunar Module (LM). While astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin descended in the Lunar Module (LM) "Eagle" to explore the Sea of Tranquility region of the moon, astronaut Michael Collins, command module pilot, remained with the Command and Service Modules (CSM) "Columbia" in lunar orbit. Photo Credit: NASA
One Giant Leap for Sharing the Wealth of Knowledge

Forty-five years ago this month, we landed a man—actually two—on the moon, and the world raised the bar to success by a skyward leap.

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The maiden launch of space shuttle Challenger, which carried the first TDRS satellite to orbit. Photo Credit: NASA
Knowledge to Talent Article in July issue of T + D Magazine

NASA CKO address in professional publication the core issues of critical knowledge.

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Masters with Masters Double Feature
Two Masters with Masters Events on Lessons Learned

Attend live at KSC’s Mission Briefing Room in the KSC Operations and Checkout Building. The video of these two events will be posted to APPEL’s YouTube channel at a later time.

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From Steven Newman’s presentation, on Integrated Risk and Knowledge Management Systems. Image Credit: Steve Newman
15th Meeting of Federal Knowledge Management Community

Department of Transportation drives FKMC to new level.

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In the mock-up flight deck of a shuttle trainer, STS-41D rookie astronauts (from left) Judy Resnik, Mike Mullane and Steve Hawley (in back) work with veteran Commander Henry Hartsfield (in foreground). Image credit: NASA
Brave Enough To Do It

In 2006, astronaut Michael Mullane courageously landed on a strange planet called Comedy Central, in the late-night time zone known as The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

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NASA’s Chief Knowledge Officer’s convene at Johnson Space Center
April 2014 NASA Knowledge Community Forum

NASA’s knowledge community gathers to solve key knowledge challenges.

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Hoffman, Gaddis, and Yost.
Thirty Percent Lighter out of the Valley of Death

On April 29, a special Masters with Masters interview transpired during the 2014 Virtual Project Management Challenge (VPMC). 

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Rusty Schweickart crossing the threshold. Photo Credit: NASA
The Hero’s Journey

Joseph Campbell, the world-famous mythologist, wrote his last book, The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, after being inspired by a symposium in which he appeared alongside NASA astronaut Rusty Schweickart.

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NASA’s modified Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft with the Space Shuttle Endeavour on top lifts off to begin its ferry flight back to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Photo Credit: NASA
Check Out Two New JSC Case Studies

Straight wing or delta wing?

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