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Podcast Episode 81: Engineering Best Practices – Part 4

NASA Johnson Space Center Engineering Director Julie Kramer White discusses the skills required to be a top-notch engineer.

A sunrise view of the Artemis I Space Launch System (SLS) and Orion spacecraft at Launch Pad 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on March 21, 2022. Credit: NASA/Ben Smegelsky
March 2022 INSIGHT Now Available

Don’t miss the latest issue of INSIGHT, APPEL Knowledge Services’ online publication featuring our new podcasts, columns, articles, lessons learned and more. We invite you to read it today on our website.

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Screen shot of Kevin Rivers smiling and looking at the camera. Credit: NASA
Critical Knowledge inSight: The Importance of Resilience for Project Managers

A resilient project manager stays flexible and open to making changes when adversity or opportunities affect a project.

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Leadership includes beginning with an organization’s origin story—its “why”—then connecting that “why” with the individual “why” of each of your team members. Here, President John F. Kennedy sets part of NASA’s origin story on September 12, 1962, saying, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard…” Credit: NASA
The Why of Leadership

How leaders can foster cognitive diversity and align personal and organizational goals.

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Illustration of the Aquarius/Satélite de Aplicaciones Científicas (SAC)-D satellite observatory in space with Earth in the background. Credit: NASA
Spotlight on Lessons Learned: SAC-D DC/DC Converter On-orbit Failures Likely due to Over-testing Prior to Usage

An international Earth-observing mission to study the salinity of the ocean surface ended in 2015 when an essential part of the spacecraft’s power and attitude control system stopped operating due to over-testing prior to launch. 

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The mobile launcher with NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraft aboard is seen inside the Vehicle Assembly Building during the opening of the doors to High Bay 3 before rolling out to Launch Complex 39B for the first time, Thursday, March 17, 2022, at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Podcast Episode 80: Engineering Best Practices – Part 3

NASA Space Launch System Chief Engineer John Blevins discusses the rigorous engineering of the world’s most powerful rocket.

Glenn Research Center CKO Janice Romanin. Credit: NASA
Knowledge Community Corner: NASA Glenn’s Janice Romanin

Janice Romanin discusses knowledge sharing at NASA’s Glenn Research Center.

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Innovation is a key element of many NASA aeronautics projects. Here, a modified F/A-18 aircraft serves as a testbed for validating a number of NASA technical innovations in aircraft control and data systems. Credit: NASA
The Value of Being Uncomfortable

Event keynote examines a key metric for teams seeking to innovate at the leading edge.

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The Space Shuttle Atlantis carried the Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science (ATLAS-1) module in its cargo bay in March 1992 during the STS-45 mission. The ATLAS-1 instruments are back dropped against the Atlas Mountains and dunes in the Iguidi Dune Sea near Mali in the western Sahara. Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: STS-45 Studies Earth

First flight of ATLAS examined Earth’s complex mesosphere and solar science.

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