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NEN Knowledge Services Lead Daria Topousis standing on a farm below the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in southern Iceland. Photo Credit: Daria Topousis
Knowledge Community Corner: NEN’s Daria Topousis

Daria Topousis discusses knowledge sharing through the NASA Engineering Network.

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NASA STMD Knowledge Services Lead Trina Chytka. Photo Credit: NASA
Knowledge Community Corner: STMD’s Trina Chytka

Trina Chytka discusses knowledge sharing in NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate.

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NASA MSFC CKO Paul McConnaughey.
Knowledge Community Corner: NASA Marshall’s Paul McConnaughey

Paul McConnaughey discusses knowledge sharing at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center.

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NASA Headquarters OHCM Knowledge Services Lead Billy McMillan.
Knowledge Community Corner: OHCM’s Billy McMillan

Billy McMillan discusses knowledge sharing in NASA’s Office of Human Capital Management.

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NASA IV&V CKO Jeff Northey.
Knowledge Community Corner: NASA IV&V’s Jeff Northey

Jeff Northey discusses knowledge sharing at NASA’s Independent Verification and Validation Program.

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NASA ARC CKO Donald Mendoza. Photo Credit: NASA
Knowledge Community Corner: NASA Ames’ Donald Mendoza

Donald Mendoza discusses knowledge sharing at NASA’s Ames Research Center.

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Barbara Trujillo, NASA Procurement Knowledge Services Lead. Trujillo, right, collaborates with Procurement team members Jim Becker, left, Jenny Arkinson, Rachel Jandron, left (seated), and Tracy Hall.  Photo Credit: NASA
Knowledge Community Corner: NASA Procurement’s Barbara Trujillo

Barbara Trujillo discusses knowledge sharing in NASA’s Office of Procurement.

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Bradford Neal
Knowledge Community Corner: NASA Armstrong’s Bradford Neal

Bradford Neal discusses knowledge sharing at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center.

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NESC CKO Dan Yuchnovicz, left, and the boilerplate Orion crew module, which helped gather water impact test data used by the NESC. The module was painted black to use a highly accurate photogrammetry technique for position and attitude tracking.
Knowledge Community Corner: NESC’s Dan Yuchnovicz

Dan Yuchnovicz discusses knowledge sharing at the NASA Engineering and Safety Center.

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