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This course is being developed. Anticipate course delivery Summer, 2025.

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Applying Risk Management: From Theory to Practice (APPEL- RMTP)


  • Program / Project Management
    Program / Project Management

Skill Level: Open to all

This course builds on the knowledge of NASA’s approach to managing risk provided in Understanding Risk Management: An Exploration of Core Concepts. The course provides an opportunity to evaluate and practice application of the Risk Informed Decision Making (RIDM) and Continuous Risk Management (CRM) in the context of NASA projects and programs.  Participants will collaborate on a threaded case study as described in the Risk Management Handbook. Required Pre-requisite Fundamentals of Risk Management at NASA SMA-OV-WBT-137 available late February, 2025.

This course is designed for NASA’s technical workforce, including systems engineers and project personnel who seek to develop the competencies required to succeed as a leader of a project team, functional team, or small project.

Project Management Competencies
Systems Engineering Competencies

Click here to view the Competency Models.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the close interconnections among the management of risk and the pursuit of the organizational objectives.
  • Describe the need for, and benefits of, an integrated and cross-organizational implementation of RM.
  • Select and apply RM processes and steps that fit the type of objective and execution activity being addressed.
  • Identify applicable RIDM and CRM processes for Programmatic and Institutional Domain activities at various stages of initiation and execution.
  • Construct a mission/activity objectives hierarchy, and identify performance measures and imposed constraints for key mission objectives.
  • Conduct Activity-Planning RIDM.
  • Identify possible mission alternatives and set the risk-informed mission analysis framework.
  • Execute a risk analysis of expected mission performance.
  • Define mission/activity risk posture with recommended risk tolerances.
  • Compare risk profiles, recommend an alternative, and document the rationale.
  • Conduct CRM.
  • Develop risk statements using a standardized format.
  • Analyze and rank individual risks, using both probabilistic and heuristic approaches.
  • Aggregate individual risks in order to determine the aggregate risk to an affected objective, using both probabilistic and heuristic approaches.
  • Propagate aggregate risk from lower levels to higher levels of an objectives hierarchy, using a heuristic approach.
  • Conduct Activity-Execution RIDM using both probabilistic and heuristic approaches.
  • Propagate risk from programs, projects, centers, and facilities to the Agency level.