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Developing NASA’s Next Generation of Technical Leaders

SELP participants benefit from comprehensive training and development aligned with a sophisticated learning and support network. The SELP support network provides a significant return on investment for the program and its class. These members continue to provide mentoring throughout the course and well after graduation. While the tools and skillsets developed during this program are essential, the advocate and alumni networks are just as important because of the channels they can open and relationships they can help foster. We believe that cultivating and developing a strong support network is essential to NASA mission success.

The SELP Support Network consists of APPEL employees, Advocates, SELP Alumni, and Mentors.


SELP Program Management




Joe Pellicciotti NASA Chief Engineer
Tiffany Smith CKO and APPEL KS Director
Jon Holladay NESC Systems Engineering Tech Fellow
Sabrina Paul SELP Project Manager
Matthew Wallace SELP Project Specialist


SELP Advocates





Stephen Walker Ames Research Center 650-604-6720
Steven Jacobson Armstrong Flight Research Center 661-276-7423
George Santosuosso Glenn Research Center 216-433-9625
Jessica Lounsbury Goddard Space Flight Center 301-286-9482
James Holden Jet Propulsion Laboratory 818-354-2694
Erick Ordonez Johnson Space Center 256-441-1704
Curtis Dugger Kennedy Space Center 321-861-7337
Todd Denkins Langley Research Center 757-864-7191
Phillip Hall Marshall Space Flight Center 256-783-4304
Dawn Davis Stennis Space Center 228-342-0705