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  • Chief Program Management Officer (NASA Only)

    Strengthening program and project management to increase performance and enable long-term mission success for NASA.

  • Dragonfly to Explore the Icy, Exotic World of Titan

    Saturn’s largest moon holds vast oceans, organic chemistry.

  • Human Spaceflight Standards

    NASA-STD-3001, NASA Spaceflight Human-System Standard Volume 1 and 2, establishes Agency requirements that enable human spaceflight missions by minimizing health risks, providing vehicle design parameters and enabling performance of flight and ground crew. Applicability and tailoring of Standards are determined based on each program’s mission profile and procurement strategy.

  • IV&V Management System (IMS)

    The IV&V Management System (IMS) is an ISO 9001 and ISO 17020 certified quality management system. The Webpage is a collection of processes and supporting documents that provide guidance on how NASA’s IV&V Program conducts business and provides services to stakeholders.

  • IV&V Program (SharePoint)

    This SharePoint site is the NASA IV&V Program’s content management system (replacing ECM in 2024), providing a centralized location for organizing and storing documents and other content that relates to the Program’s processes and activities.

  • JSC Policy Directive

    JSC Knowledge Management policy and strategy documents.

  • JSC Policy Requirements

    JSC Knowledge Management policy requirements and strategy documents.

  • Lessons Learned From the Management of the Low Boom Flight Demonstrator

    As stated in NASA Procedural Requirements document for NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements (NPR 7120.5), the LBFD project was required to conduct a Joint Confidence Level (JCL).

  • Lessons Learned in Independent Technical Authority

    Following the Columbia accident, the independent Columbia Accident Investigation Board, commonly referred to as CAIB, had numerous findings and recommendations with regards to Technical Authority.