NASA’s Chief Knowledge Officer’s convene at Johnson Space Center.
Photo Credit: NASA / Susan Snyder
NASA’s knowledge community gathers to solve key knowledge challenges.
NASA’s Chief Knowledge Officers (CKO) and knowledge points of contact from across NASA met at Johnson Space Center on April 7 through April 9, 2014 to address the agency’s key priorities related to knowledge services.
CKOs and representatives from centers and mission directorates shared progress on their respective organizations’ knowledge strategies, in keeping with NASA’s new knowledge policy (NASA Policy Directive 7120.6, Knowledge Policy on Programs and Projects). Participants learned about search initiatives across the agency being undertaken by JSC, the NASA Engineering Network and Langley’s Research Center. A CKO working group was established to partner with the Chief Information Office in developing agency-level search capability.
The recent Aerospace Safety Panel recommendations were the subject of key discussions and working groups. Actions were recommended for improving visibility and accessibility of critical knowledge, leveraging lessons learned from mishaps and accident investigations across the agency, improving engineering and managerial focus on effective knowledge exchange and developing a digital knowledge handbook with knowledge content on best and emerging practices for effective knowledge capture, sharing, discovery and formalization of knowledge practices. Other working groups identified metrics for communicating center and mission directorate successes.
Next steps include formalizing knowledge strategies, development of a strategic search approach, implementing the ASAP recommendations and monthly reporting for the metrics that communicate NASA’s strength and challenges in identifying, capturing, and sharing knowledge across the organization.
Click to view the NASA Knowledge Community Forum archives.