The knowledge community at a previous face-to-face at Kennedy Space Center.
Photo Credit: Susan Snyder
The NASA knowledge community will focus on themes of engaging stakeholders, building buy-in and driving innovation during its December gathering.
The biannual, face-to-face meeting December 5–7 at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) provides an opportunity for networking, organizational updates, and sharing of best practices that are being implemented across the agency.
The opening day of the meeting, knowledge practitioners will hear from KSC Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) Michael Bell about topics gathered from recent conversations. The knowledge community was surveyed to identify significant challenges and successes practitioners are experiencing in performing their roles. Some of the challenges include setting up effective communities of practice, communicating knowledge management successes to stakeholders, and developing a 10-minute pitch for engaging leaders. An agile roadmap with participants voting on their top four topics of choice will inform discussions for the balance of the day in a knowledge café format. Expected outcomes will be four templates and other resources for the community to be able to implement upon return to their locations across NASA.
The balance of the two-and-a-half-day gathering will be spent on sharing best practices, such as engaging stakeholders and business partners in the technical community and tools to assist NASA’s programs and projects in finding lessons learned.
The knowledge community will hear from representatives of NASA’s technical workforce and support organizations, including:
- Pat Simpkins, KSC Director of Engineering
- Terry Jackson, NASA Associate Chief Information Officer (ACIO) Technology and Innovation (T&I) Division
- John Sprague, NASA Deputy ACIO, T&I
- Kelly Jones-McDowall, Coordinator of KSC’s recent Innovation Expo
An overview of Columbia shuttle lessons learned will be offered with Mike Ciannilli, Columbia Research and Preservation Office (CRPO), providing a guided tour of the CRPO.
Related Resources
NASA Knowledge Community
Knowledge Community Hosted at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory