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Astronauts conduct scientific research during Spacelab’s first mission. From left to right: Mission Specialist Robert Parker, Payload Specialist Byron Lichtenberg, Mission Specialist Owen Garriott, and Payload Specialist Ulf Merbold. Photo Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: An International Initiative Expanded the Frontiers of Science

Thirty-one years ago this month, the space shuttle Columbia hosted the first reusable, crewed on-orbit research laboratory: Spacelab.

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Engineers finalize the installation of the world’s largest heat shield on Orion. Photo Credit: NASA/Daniel Casper
An Uncrewed Mission Designed to Advance Human Space Exploration

The upcoming Orion Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1) will leave Earth without a crew, but everything about the spacecraft is engineered to facilitate human spaceflight.

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Masters with Masters: Oberhettinger and Bell
Masters with Masters: The Ongoing Evolution of Lessons Learned at NASA

How can NASA capture, share, and leverage its wealth of lessons learned to enhance the effectiveness of future work? Two Chief Knowledge Officers explored the issue.

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Artist’s concept of the Space Launch System rocketing into space. Image Credit: NASA / MSFC
Young Professionals Explore the Challenges Ahead in Getting Humans to Mars

On October 3, 2014, young professionals in the international space community sparked a conversation about the future of human space endeavors.

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Computer-generated image of Mars using 3D information from the Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter, which was on NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor orbiter. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Need for Sustained Commitment Underscores Pathways to Human Space Exploration

Human space exploration speaks to a basic desire to explore and understand. Just as basic, says the National Research Council (NRC), is the need for ongoing support.

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The X-15A-2 in flight with ablative coating and additional external fuel tanks. Photo Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: The X-15 Program Set a Record for Speed

On October 3, 1967, U.S. Air Force pilot William “Pete” Knight set a world speed record in an X-15 rocket plane. Minutes later, the aircraft landed charred and broken. 

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NASA Connect Home page. Image Credit: NASA
Tapping NASA’s Greatest Resource: Its People

NASA recently launched an online mentoring resource that takes much of the uncertainty out of making professional development connections.

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Team Aero-M with their competition hexacopter (pink), two additional hexacopters, and two quadcopters after the UAS Competition. From left to right: Adam Kimberlin, Chris Becker, Tiffany Russell, Jim Snoddy (mentor), Robert Parker, Garrick Merrill, and Peter Ma. Photo Credit: NASA
Expanding the Utility of UAVs at Marshall Space Flight Center

A year ago, six early-career engineers from Marshall Space Flight Center experienced success with their unmanned aerial vehicles. They haven’t stopped flying since. 

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Saturn and its largest moon, Titan, seen from Pioneer 11. Photo Credit: NASA/Ames Research Center
This Month in NASA History: A Lone Pioneer Paved the Way Past Saturn

On September 1, 1979, Pioneer 11 made history as the first spacecraft to fly by Saturn. Its journey paved the way for Voyager—but dashed hopes of finding life on Titan.

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