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EDEM simulation of dust particles being removed from a dust screen under the influence of an electric field.
Innovative Partnership Finds Answers to Modeling Lunar Dust

By Carol Anne Dunn, Carlos Calle, and Richard LaRoche   To learn more about managing lunar dust, NASA and a simulation technology company pool their expertise.   A major problem facing manned or unmanned missions to the moon is lunar dust.

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NASA’s Inventions and Contributions Board: A Historical Perspective

By Carol Anne Dunn Outside NASA’s scientific community, NASA’s Inventions and Contributions Board (ICB) and its Space Act Awards Program are practically unknown, yet its history is a microcosm of NASA’s history, and it has been an important factor in NASA’s extensive technological achievements.

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The Applied Meteorology Unit: True Technology Transfer

By Carol Anne Dunn and Francis J. Merceret Mark Twain once said, “Everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it.”

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Featured Invention: Cabin Pressure Monitor

By Carol Anne Dunn For fiscal year 2005, the Inventions and Contributions Board presented 2,917 NASA employees and contractors with more than $1,951,000 in Space Act Awards.

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