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Critical Knowledge inSight: Lessons Learned from the Copiapo Mine Rescue in 2010
Critical Knowledge inSight: Lessons Learned from the Copiapo Mine Rescue in 2010

Some principles learned from human spaceflight can be transportable to help people in extreme remote situations on Earth.

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Podcast Episode 46: ISS 20 - Living in Space
New Podcast Episode 46: ISS 20 – Living in Space

American Astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson discusses 20 years of continuous human presence on the International Space Station.

October 22, 2020 VPMC Session: The Lasting Lessons of NASA's First Shuttle to Space
Virtual Project Management Challenge: The Lasting Lessons of NASA’s First Shuttle to Space

Explore the Columbia Room, along with NASA’s Apollo, Challenger, Columbia Lessons Learned Program (ACCLLP) with Michael Ciannilli.

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Podcast Episode 45: Digital Transformation
Podcast Episode 45: Digital Transformation

NASA Digital Transformation Officer Jill Marlowe discusses the agency’s digital transformation strategy and approach.

Melissa Jones
Critical Knowledge inSight: Interagency Partnerships

The complexity of the recovery operations for the Orion spacecraft created useful lessons on partnerships between two government agencies.

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New Podcast Episode 44: Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite
New Podcast Episode 44: Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite

NASA Deputy Director of Astrophysics Jeff Volosin discusses the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission.

Podcast Episode 43: White Sands Test Facility

White Sands Test Facility Manager Bob Cort discusses the history and capabilities of the NASA facility.

JPL CKO Michelle Drabik. Credit: NASA
Knowledge Community Corner: NASA JPL’s Michelle Drabik

Michelle Drabik discusses knowledge sharing at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

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Podcast Episode 42: Game Changing Development Program
Podcast Episode 42: Game Changing Development Program

NASA Game Changing Development Program Executive Niki Werkheiser discusses advancement of space technologies that could lead to new approaches for future space missions.
