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XFV-12A on ramp at NAA in Columbus, Ohio
Young Professional Brief: Maciej Zborowski

October 28, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 8   Maciej “Mac” Zborowski is restoring the fuselage of a XFV-12A plane found in the middle of a vacant field so he can share its story with the public.

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Work on the heat shield and thermal protection backshell of the Multi Purpose Crew Vehicle ground test article, or GTA, was completed in preparation for environmental testing. This image is of the crew vehicle at the Lockheed Martin Vertical Test Facility in Colorado. The crew vehicle will undergo rigorous testing to confirm its ability to safely fly astronauts through all the harsh environments of deep space exploration missions. Photo Credit: Lockheed Martin
International Brief: Global Exploration Roadmaps

October 28, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 8   The International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG) released the 2011 Global Exploration Roadmap.

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LEO is the region of space within 2,000 km of the Earth's surface. It is the most concentrated area for orbital debris. Approximately 95% of the objects in this illustration are orbital debris, i.e., not functional satellites. The dots represent the current location of each item. The orbital debris dots are scaled according to the image size of the graphic to optimize their visibility and are not scaled to Earth.
Research Brief: NRC Evaluates NASA’s Orbital Debris Programs

October 28, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 8   In order to enhance the benefits of its meteoroid and orbital debris (MMOD) programs, NASA should re-prioritize, re-focus, and expand the programs efforts, according to a recent report from the National Research Council.

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Saturn blockhouse personnel at Launch Complex 37 during the liftoff of SA-3 include Center Director Kurt Debus and Wernher von Braun (foreground). Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: Attaining Extreme Altitude with Saturn I

October 28, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 8   This month marks the fiftieth anniversary of the first flight of the Saturn I rocket.

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A 1.9-second ignition test of the J-2X rocket engine is conducted on the A-2 Test Stand at NASA's Stennis Space Center.
Young Professional Brief: Jennifer Franzo

September 28, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 7   Mother of two, 27-year-old Jennifer Franzo loves a good rocket engine test.

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Academy Bookshelf: Built on Values

September 28, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 7   An organization’s culture can motivate employees to do the right thing if its values are clear and systems are designed to reinforce them, writes Ann Rhoades.

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Academy Archive — Getting to “Yes”: The Flight Readiness Review

September 28, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 7   Technical rigor and open communication led to the successful conclusion of a challenging FRR.

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In the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility, the integrated Mars Observer/Transfer Orbit Stage (TOS) payload is ready for encapsulation in the Titan III nose fairing. The TOS booster maiden flight was dedicated to Thomas O. Paine, a former NASA administrator who strongly supported interplanetary exploration and was an early backer of the TOS program.
This Month in NASA: History Mars Observer Lost

September 28, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 7   No physical evidence, no telemetry data. To solve what happened to the Mars Observer after it disappeared, the Mishap Investigation Board had to take a different approach.

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On Saturday, Aug. 27, 2011, International Space Station astronaut Ron Garan used a high definition camera to film one of the sixteen sunrises astronauts see each day. This image shows the rising sun as the station flew along a path between Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Message from the Academy Director: Risk and Values

September 28, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 7   What does risk have to do with values? Everything, it turns out.

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