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Academy Publications: Annual Report, Year In Knowledge, ASK the Academy Anthology

January 31, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 1   2010 was a year of dramatic change for NASA. With major programmatic changes in human spaceflight, proposed significant investments in technology development, a new National Space Policy and the pending retirement of the space shuttle, the agency operated in a highly dynamic environment.

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Research Brief: Lessons for Space Debris

January 31, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 1   A recent RAND study recommends the development of remediation methods in addition to mitigation processes for orbital space debris based on lessons from nine parallel problem areas.

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McAuliffe undergoing pre-flight training experiences weightlessness during a KC-135 "vomit comet" flight. Credit: NASA
Reflections on Challenger by Bryan O’Connor

Vol. 4, Issue 1   On the 25th anniversary of the Challenger accident, a story by Bryan O’Connor offers a powerful reflection on the dangers of organizational silence.

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Young Professionals Brief: Jen Keyes

January 31, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 1   An offhand response landed Jennifer Keyes a chance to work at NASA, leading to ten years of unexpected opportunities.

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The SOFIA airborne observatory's 2.5-meter infrared telescope peers out from its cavity in the SOFIA rear fuselage during nighttime line operations testing. Photo Credit: NASA
Academy Brief: The SELDP Year from Three Perspectives

January 31, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 1   There’s no clear path to become a top systems engineer, but as three engineers experienced, learning on the job is an important part of the process.

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Flight Director Gene Kranz (foreground) and Dr. Christopher Kraft (background) in the Mission Control Center in Houston, Texas, during the Gemini 5 flight.
Message from the Academy Director: Creating the Story

January 31, 2011 Vol. 4, Issue 1   Your job is the story.

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The Gemini VII spacecraft. Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: 1965 “Rapid Fire” Gemini Flights

December 29, 2010 Vol. 3, Issue 12   This month marks the 45th anniversary of the Gemini VI and Gemini VII flights, which performed the first manned space rendezvous.

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Government Brief: GAO Reviews NASA’s Medium Launch Transition Strategy

December 29, 2010 Vol. 3, Issue 12   NASA faces a potential gap in medium class launch vehicles for science missions due to the discontinuation of the Delta II.

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Technology Brief: OCT Releases Tech Development Roadmaps

December 29, 2010 Vol. 3, Issue 12   The Office of the Chief Technologist has released new draft technology roadmaps that highlight where significant advances in technologies of interest to NASA and the nation are needed.

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