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  • Program / Project Management
    Program / Project Management

Skill Level: Open to all.

Correct selection of contract type is largely a result of perception of risks and is crucial to the success of an acquisition. This course provides an overview of the contract types used most frequently in federal contracting as well as the basic principles and limitations governing their use. Project managers will leave the class understanding the conditions in which to use different contract types. While the Contractor Officer makes the final determination of the appropriate contract type, project managers and technical personnel will leave the class understanding the conditions in which to use different contract types and will be able to discuss the appropriate type of contract for their acquisitions.

Project managers and technical personnel who require a more focused study of the contract types used most frequently in federal contracting, their basic principles and limitations, and when each should be employed.

Related Resources

Resource Category

Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Training Opportunities (Public) Website

APPEL Library Resource

NASA Galaxie Library NASA Galaxie Library
All supplemental resources are NASA accessible only unless otherwise noted.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the contract types authorized by the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
  • Define conditions for the use of each contract type
  • Assist the contracting officer in selecting the appropriate type of contract for a particular acquisition