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This course is being updated. Anticipate the next course delivery in mid to late FY25.

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Decision Analysis (APPEL-vDA)


  • Systems Engineering & Engineering
    Systems Engineering & Engineering

Skill Level: Open to all.

This course is designed to provide the tools necessary to improve the quality of a factually based decision-making process for resolving technical issues at NASA.

This course is designed for NASA’s technical workforce, including systems engineers and project personnel involved in project teams or small projects.

Systems Engineering Competencies

Click here to view the Competency Models.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify the relationship between decision analysis tools and NPR 7123.1, NASA systems engineering processes and requirements, and Systems Engineering Management Plans (SEMP).
  • Recognize factors contributing to successful and unsuccessful decision making.
  • Apply a standard process for decision making.
  • Identify which technical issues are subject to formal evaluation, and discern the differences between a well-framed problem and a poorly framed one.
  • Define the criteria used for evaluation and identify alternative solutions to address decision issues.
  • Select evaluation methods and tools, and assess alternative solutions with respect to evaluation criteria.
  • Make a decision, document, and evaluate decision impact.