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  • Improve team leadership and effectiveness to better accomplish mission-critical work
  • Utilize Lessons Learned to develop effective decision-making skills through engineering design and project management case analyses
  • Explore key principles and practices for project management, systems engineering, and building NASA teams
  • Improve the ability to develop and manage complex aeronautical and astronautical systems
  • Learn online with APPEL Knowledge Services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Learn the principles and practices of program/project management that are essential to mission success
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Model-Based Systems Engineering Lead Series
Time Zone/Center
Advanced MBSE: Managing Models and Modelers (APPEL – vAMBSE1)

Advanced MBSE: Managing Models and Modelers (APPEL – vAMBSE1)

Effectively transition to managing MBSE teams in NASA.
No courses currently scheduled.
Ensuring MBSE Model Consistency – By Design (APPEL – vAMBSE2)

Ensuring MBSE Model Consistency – By Design (APPEL – vAMBSE2)

Advance NASA practices with scalable MBSE solutions.
Model Based Systems Engineering Simulation (APPEL – vAMBSE3)

Model Based Systems Engineering Simulation (APPEL – vAMBSE3)

How stuff works – analyzing systems using executable models.
No courses currently scheduled.
Real World Application of Model-Based Systems Engineering (APPEL – vAMBSE4)

Real World Application of Model-Based Systems Engineering (APPEL – vAMBSE4)

Applying SysML and MBSE models help focus our design efforts.
No courses currently scheduled.
Systems Engineering
Time Zone/Center
Advanced Project Management and Advanced Systems Engineering (APPEL-vAPM&ASE)

Advanced Project Management and Advanced Systems Engineering (APPEL-vAPM&ASE)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Decision Analysis (APPEL-vDA)

Decision Analysis (APPEL-vDA)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Foundations and Practice of MBSE & SysML (APPEL-MBSEFP)

Foundations and Practice of MBSE & SysML (APPEL-MBSEFP)

Get hands-on practical experience in Cameo Systems Modeler and SysML.
Jan 14-23, 2025
Registration opens on:

Nov 01, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Feb 11-20, 2025
Registration opens on:

Dec 02, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering (APPEL-vFSE)

Fundamentals of Systems Engineering (APPEL-vFSE)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Human Spaceflight and Mission Design (APPEL-vHSMD)
Lifecycle, Processes & Systems Engineering (APPEL-vLPSE)

Lifecycle, Processes & Systems Engineering (APPEL-vLPSE)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.


Boosting mission success through digital engineering.
MBSE for Technical Leaders and Subsystem Engineers (APPEL-MBSETL)

MBSE for Technical Leaders and Subsystem Engineers (APPEL-MBSETL)

Understanding the essential to better support engineering teams.
Sep 17-18, 2024Oct 22-23, 2024
Registration opens on:

Aug 01, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Project Management and Systems Engineering (APPEL-vPM&SE)
Requirements Development and Management – Team (APPEL-vREQ-T)
Requirements Development and Management (APPEL-vREQ)

Requirements Development and Management (APPEL-vREQ)

Using scope to create better products.
No courses currently scheduled.
Science Mission & Systems: Design & Operations (APPEL-vSMSDO)
No courses currently scheduled.
Science Mission & Systems: Design & Operations Lab (APPEL-vSMSDO-LAB)
No courses currently scheduled.
Space Launch and Transportation System (APPEL-vSLTS)

Space Launch and Transportation System (APPEL-vSLTS)

Creating overall mission architectures.
No courses currently scheduled.
Space Mission Operations (APPEL-vSMO)

Space Mission Operations (APPEL-vSMO)

Orchestrating infrastructure, processes, and people to support successful space missions.
No courses currently scheduled.
Space System Verification and Validation (APPEL-vSSVV)

Space System Verification and Validation (APPEL-vSSVV)

Building the right system with the right design.
No courses currently scheduled.
Time Zone/Center
Creativity and Innovation (APPEL-vC&I)

Creativity and Innovation (APPEL-vC&I)

Maintaining excellence and technological superiority.
No courses currently scheduled.
Earth, Moon, and Mars (APPEL-EMM)

Earth, Moon, and Mars (APPEL-EMM)

Leveraging geology to understand other planets.
Foundations of Aerospace at NASA (APPEL-vFOU)

Foundations of Aerospace at NASA (APPEL-vFOU)

Supporting NASA's mandate through technical excellence.
Introduction to Green Engineering (APPEL-GREEN)

Introduction to Green Engineering (APPEL-GREEN)

Engineering to minimize environmental problems.
No courses currently scheduled.
Introduction to Software Engineering (APPEL-vISWE)

Introduction to Software Engineering (APPEL-vISWE)

A high-level overview of NASA software engineering foundational concepts.
No courses currently scheduled.
Software Engineering Management (APPEL-SWEM)

Software Engineering Management (APPEL-SWEM)

Hands-on software project management.
No courses currently scheduled.