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  • Systems Engineering & Engineering
    Systems Engineering & Engineering

Skill Level: Open to all.

This course introduces systems engineering processes, NASA lifecycle phases, key technical reviews, and systems engineering management techniques. The course helps the participant realize the value of well-established systems engineering processes and deliverables.

This course is designed for NASA’s technical workforce, including systems engineers and project personnel who seek to develop the competencies required to succeed as a leader of a project team, functional team, or small project.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define and demonstrate engineering of systems processes as illustrated in the NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) for systems engineering (NPR 7123.1) and project management (NPR 7120.5).
  • Explain operations concepts, their development, and their impact on the system of interest.
  • Define system architecture functions and analyze their functional performance.
  • Define system technical solution options and describe how trade studies are performed.
  • Map architecture functions to subsystems and define the relationships among the subsystems.
  • Describe internal and external interface definitions, designs, and changes for products and product components.
  • Explain the importance of establishing a technical planning process for a given system of interest.
  • Explain system realization, integration, verification, validation, and transition.
  • Identify tools used for systems engineering activities.