Demonstration Mission to Test Laser Communications
Bidirectional system offers significant increase in data transfer rates.
Human Spaceflight Knowledge Sharing: Future of Space Communications
Future space communications will be more flexible, scalable and affordable, thanks in part to an integrated architecture.
NASA to Test Optical Communications for Deep Space
DSOC demonstration will ride aboard Psyche spacecraft.
Ares I-X: Communicate, Communicate, Communicate!
Management should implement a communications plan, and promote productive communication across the team; start early and promote it often.
Sharing NASA’s Science and Engineering Stories
NASA’s Office of the Chief Scientist is on track to launch a science communications initiative designed to help the agency’s practitioners tell their stories.
Focusing in on Masters with Masters: Communication
For nearly seven years, NASA Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) Ed Hoffman has hosted Masters with Masters (MwM).
Advancing CubeSat Technology for Communications and Exploration
The Optical Communications and Sensor Demonstration (OCSD) mission is helping transform communications and deep space exploration capabilities.
Communicating Science
By Dr. Richard E. Shope III The enterprise of scientific inquiry is an adventure of going where curiosity beckons. Scientists generate questions, propose explanations, carry out investigations, and communicate their findings. Communication within a scientific discipline has its own challenges, but cross-discipline communication is especially rich in difficulties and pitfalls.
Critical Knowledge inSight: Communication Lessons from the Columbia Tragedy
Good communication is a two-way street that requires those delivering and receiving communication to pay attention to some key rules to be effective.