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NASA individuals and teams must collaborate effectively to make their missions a success due to the complex nature of their work.

Good face-to-face communication is one of the very best ways to build a trusting relationship between team members, which will then enhance their collaborative work.

The Human Research Program (HRP) is dedicated to discovering the best methods and technologies to support safe, productive human space travel. On January 20, 2016, Gail Perusek and Marsha Nall, both within the NASA Glenn Research Center’s HRP, joined a Masters with Masters discussion to share their experiences leading teams through the design, development, integration and operations of major projects and programs central to NASA. Perusek and Nall discuss the collaboration topic at time markers 25:23 through 28:45 in the video.

Video key learning points:

    1. 1.

      Face-to-face meetings are the preferred method of communication for building trust.

    2. 2.

      Trust will allow a team to work collaboratively toward a common goal.

    3. 3.

      Understanding your stakeholders can be done best through in-person discussions.

    4. 4.

      Face-to-face communication can be done formally in scheduled meetings and informally, such as over a cup of coffee.


Related Resources:

NASA Glenn Research Center’s Human Research Program

NASA Knowledge Toolbox: Collaboration

OPM: Building a Collaborative Team Environment

APPEL Course: Team Leadership

APPEL Course: Team Membership

Mars Science Laboratory: Integrating Science and Engineering Teams

Good Team Design

Cross-training within the Project Team

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