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Clear communication of the testing process helps customers keep their testing phase on schedule and budget.

David Stark, who serves as the Glenn Research Center Wind Tunnel Facility Manager for the 8×6 Supersonic Wind Tunnel and 9×15 Low Speed Wind Tunnel, provides advice to avoid pitfalls in coordination between test facilities and project teams.

Video key learning points:

    1. 1.

      The testing facility manager improves the testing process by communicating early on with the customer how the testing procedures will take place.

    2. 2.

      Getting clear requirements up-front from the customer and testing team will save time from inaccurate assumptions about the testing process.

    3. 3.

      Spending time carefully writing a requirements document at the beginning of the testing process helps keep an accurate schedule and cost during the actual testing phase in the wind tunnel.

    4. 4.

      Software and wind tunnel testing helps to create better hardware and improves software model accuracy.

    5. 5.

      Advice for a person that is early in their career is to keep the excitement and enthusiasm for your job. As a facilities manager, you should set the bar high in all aspects of your work, including process improvements.


Related Resources

NASA APPEL KS Requirements Course

NASA APPEL KS ASK Magazine Article: Big Facilities, Hard Lessons

9×15 Low Speed Wind Tunnel

NASA APPEL KS PgM Series: Program Decision Making

NASA APPEL KS Complex Decision Making in Project Management

Small Steps, Giant Leaps Podcast: Decision Velocity


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