Here is a description of a book that we believe will interest ASK readers.
Here is a description of a book that we believe will interest ASK readers.
NASA in the News U.S. News & World Report, in conjunction with the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, named Charles Elachi of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) as one of “America’s Best Leaders” for 2006.
Here is a description of a book that we believe will interest ASK readers.
Here are two true stories about organizational effectiveness. We leave it to you to think about their relevance to NASA and knowledge.
The History of NASA Lessons from the past can help solve problems today, and the NASA History Division is a treasure trove of important lessons.
ASK Magazine Special Issue on Constellation Lessons from the past are guiding NASA’s next step into the future as the space agency prepares to replace the Space Shuttle with an Apollo-style vehicle for human explorers.
Here are descriptions of two books, very different from one another, that we believe will interest ASK readers.
Project work often generates new knowledge — both technical knowledge and knowledge about how to carry out projects successfully.
NASA in the News NASA’s PM Challenge 2007, the Agency’s fourth annual project management conference, will be held February 6–7, 2007, in Galveston, Texas, near the Johnson Space Center.