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Interview with Robert Braun

By Don Cohen   NASA’s Chief Technologist talks about fostering innovation.

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Sharing Knowledge About Knowledge
Sharing Knowledge About Knowledge

By Don Cohen and Matthew Kohut   The Academy’s first Knowledge Forum brought together people from several industries and countries.

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In This Issue by Don Cohen
In This Issue (ASK 38)

Don Cohen, Managing Editor   At the NASA Project Management Challenge in Galveston, Texas, this past February, Jean-Jacques Dordain, director general of the European Space Agency, predicted that global collaboration will define future space exploration.

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Interview with William Gerstenmaier

  The associate administrator for Space Operations talks about his early NASA experience and the collaborative “miracle” of the International Space Station.

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Getting to “Yes”—The Flight Readiness Review

By Matthew Kohut and Don Cohen As its name suggests, a Flight Readiness Review, or FRR, gives teams responsible for various elements of a NASA flight mission an opportunity to ensure technical questions raised at earlier reviews have been adequately dealt with and to raise concerns about anything else that might affect mission success.

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In This Issue (ASK 36)

Don Cohen, Managing Editor “Looking back and looking forward” is one way to sum up the learning strategies considered in this issue of ASK.

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Interview with Eric Gorman: Starting at NASA Now

After talking to George Morrow about his experience as a new NASA employee in the early 1980s, Don Cohen asked Eric Gorman about the experience of becoming a NASA employee today. When they spoke at the end of May, Gorman was just about to take a civil service position at Goddard.

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Interview with George Morrow

By Don Cohen George Morrow is the director of the Flight Projects Directorate at Goddard Space Flight Center, a position he has held since 2007. He began his career at Goddard in 1983 as an engineer working on spacecraft battery systems. Don Cohen spoke with him in his office at Goddard.

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In This Issue (ASK 35)

Don Cohen, Managing Editor We usually think of innovation as developing some new product or technology.

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