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NASA Administrator Charles Bolden surveys the Orion crew capsule, recently returned to Kennedy Space Center following its successful maiden flight. Photo Credit: NASA/Cory Huston
Government Brief: Examining Progress and Challenges for Human Space Exploration

Following the successful first flight of Orion, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported on issues impacting NASA’s human space exploration programs.

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Artist’s impression of Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2), which makes precise global measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) to help scientists better understand its sources and “sinks.” Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
APPEL Case Study—OCO-2: A Second Chance to Fly

In 2009, the orbiting carbon conservatory (OCO) plunged into the ocean minutes after launch. A year later, the team was given the rare opportunity to rebuild and fly again.

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NASA named 2014 Best Place to Work in the Federal Government
NASA: The Best Place for Work and Career Development

When NASA was named the best place to work in the federal government, its training and development capability was ranked #1, too.

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The ghostly glow of stars from galaxies torn apart billions of years ago, as observed recently by the Hubble Space Telescope. Photo Credit: NASA/ESA/IAC/HFF Team, STScI
This Month in NASA History: A Team of Astronauts Restored Vision in Space

On December 2, 1993, the Endeavour shuttle crew set out on the most complex space shuttle mission ever: to rescue the Hubble Space Telescope.

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Orion engineers Stu McClung (left) and Ed Strong (right) update the speed limit at Kennedy Space Center for Orion’s first flight, EFT-1. Photo Credit: NASA
For Orion, A Smooth Landing was Part of the Plan

During its first flight, Orion reentered Earth’s atmosphere going nearly 20,000 miles per hour yet splashed down minutes later at a gentle 20 miles per hour.

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OCO-2 project manager Ralph Basilio discussing the successful launch of OCO-2 on July 2, 2014. Photo Credit: NASA / Kim Shiflett
Insights in Brief: Quick Q&A with OCO-2 Project Manager Ralph Basilio

Gaining experience, finding mentors, and even making mistakes are important elements in becoming an effective project manager.

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NASA Administrator Charlie Bolden, NASA Associate Administrator for the Human Exploration and Operations Directorate William Gerstenmaier, and others react as Orion splashes down after its inaugural flight. Photo Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls
The Launch of a New Era in Human Spaceflight

NASA achieved a significant milestone in human space exploration with the success of Orion’s Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1).

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Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong suiting up on July 16, 1969. Photo Credit: NASA
Neil Armstrong Profiled on NOVA

Navy combat veteran. Test pilot. Astronaut. First man on the moon. Find out more about Neil Armstrong on NOVA.

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Orion in front of the Kennedy Space Center Vehicle Assembly Building before being mounted on its launch vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy rocket. Photo Credit: NASA/Frankie Martin
Orion is a Go for Its First Flight

On Thursday, November 20, Orion passed the Flight Readiness Review (FRR) for Exploration Flight Test-1 (EFT-1) and was given a “go” to proceed.

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