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The NASA Fabrication Alliance: Cooperation, Not Competition

Jerry Mulenburg The Parametric Inlet model is shown in a wind tunnel at NASA Glenn Research Center on October 24, 2003.

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NASA Knowledge Map 2006
Special Pullout: NASA Knowledge Map

It occurred to us that even many NASA veterans might benefit from a clear, concise overview of what happens where in the organization. We decided to create an explanatory picture of NASA centers that offers an easy way to grasp the range and location of NASA activities. Click to red full PDF.

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ASK Talks with Bill Townsend

Bill Townsend is now the Vice President and General Manager of Civil Space Systems of Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation.

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Managing Meetings… Remotely

For my manufacturing colleagues, “meetings” were always face-to-face activities.

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Documentation: No Substitute for Communication

I’ve recognized the Request for Information (RFI) process as a huge source of wasted effort and needless confrontation.

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The APPL “Learning Map”

APPL Learning Map (PDF) Root Learning Inc., is best known for creating “Learning Maps” like this one: humorous drawings based on the inner workings of an organization.

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Keeping Promises

The project, a complex healthcare facility, was in trouble. The money and time were gone, but there was plenty of distrust and mis-coordination.

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A Leader, Not a Hero

I thought that this would be a good opportunity to make the transition in to program management.

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A Lengthy Career’s Lessons on Risk

I managed the droning of the B47 to fly unmanned, and I had zero experience to take on that task. What I learned is the real way you acquire risk aversion: I was scared to death that I’d fail.

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