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Bringing Up Baby

By Angelo (Gus) Guastaferro In 1977, I had just finished eight years on the Viking program, which was just a marvelously rich, fascinating experience, using the most up-to-date, sophisticated management techniques, under an outstanding leader named Jim Martin.

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Sounds Clear Enough

By Alan Zak I’m a vice president at Line6, where we produce electronics for musical instruments.

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Walking a Fine Line

By Mary Bothwell My division was charged with building a suite of cameras for the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) project.

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Radical Is Temporary

By Larry Barrett I suspect that even if Ken had stayed on, we would have evolved to the state we’re in right now.

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Right on Time, Radically

By Ken Lehtonen Back in the early 1990s, reengineering was all the rage.

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The Eye Cannot See Itself

By Dr. Alexander Laufer A close colleague of mine has taught and written extensively about strategic planning and project planning.

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From the APPEL Director: Columbia, Loss, and the Search for Eldorado

By Ed Hoffman I have attempted to share reflections that come from the heart, and hope they do justice and honor for our colleagues and their families.

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In This Issue: Leadership Counts

By Todd Post How many times have I heard project managers tell of learning by way of examples from history and literature?

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ASK Talks with William Readdy

As Associate Administrator for Space Flight at NASA, William Readdy has spent much of the last year addressing Agency plans for future Shuttle missions in the wake of the Columbia accident.

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