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The Knowledge Notebook: On Not Going It Alone: No Organization Is an Island

By Laurence Prusak   One of my father’s heroes—and he didn’t have many—was Albert Einstein. He often regaled me with stories of the great physicist.

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In This Issue by Don Cohen
In This Issue (ASK 38)

Don Cohen, Managing Editor   At the NASA Project Management Challenge in Galveston, Texas, this past February, Jean-Jacques Dordain, director general of the European Space Agency, predicted that global collaboration will define future space exploration.

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On the Cover — Issue 38, Spring 2010

This space-station view of Los Angeles was taken by Astronaut Donald Pettit, who lived aboard the International Space Station for five and a half months. The city is defined by yellow-orange, sodium-vapor-lit streets in north-south, east-west grids. In between the main streets it is relatively dark due to the design of street lighting that minimizes […]

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Shadows of future astrobiologists.
Are We Alone? Answering This Question Is Not a Lone Venture

By Wendy Dolci, Ed Goolish, and Carl Pilcher   How does life begin and evolve? Is there life elsewhere in the universe? What is the future of life on Earth and beyond?

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NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory and its Taurus booster lift off from Vandenberg Air Force Base. A contingency was declared a few minutes later.
Anatomy of a Mishap Investigation

By Rick Obenschain   On February 24, 2009, a Taurus XL launch vehicle carrying the Orbiting Carbon Observatory satellite lifted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

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The improvised tracker placed on the US LAB module window.
Cities at Night: An Orbital Perspective

  By Donald Pettit Cities at night, when viewed from orbit, offer a spectacular display.

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Masten Space Systems' "Xombie" vehicle ascending during its first flight.
Open-Door Innovation

By Andrew Petro   The idea behind NASA’s Centennial Challenges program, which offers cash prizes for successful solutions to important and clearly defined technical problems, is that innovation can come from anywhere.

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Artist's concept of the Voyager spacecraft with its antenna pointing to Earth.
NASA Past and Future: A Personal Memoir

By Ken Randle   When I was working for the Sperry Corporation in the sixties, we submitted a proposal to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to provide support for their unmanned space exploration programs.

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Chris Beasley, NASA Ames mechanical engineer, places the PRESat payload into a gold press vessel.
The Next Big Thing Is Small

By Haley Stephenson Satellites that can fit in a backpack are shrinking technology, reframing satellite science, and providing valuable mission training and experience to the next generation of engineers.

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