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APPEL ranked best academy in the world by the Project Management Institute.
APPEL Named Best Academy in the World by the Project Management Institute

NASA’s Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL) was recognized as the global leader in project management training.

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The second meeting of the Federal Knowledge Management Community in 2015 will be held at NASA Headquarters. Image Credit: NASA
Second Meeting of Federal Knowledge Management Community in 2015

On Friday, April 3, 2015, the Federal Knowledge Management Community will be hosted at NASA Headquarters.

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Dr. Ed Hoffman, NASA Chief Knowledge Officer, talks with P.S. 199 5th grader. This aspiring young student explains to Dr. Hoffman that he will one day soon be his boss and he will have to do what he asks him to do… he says, “I will be your boss one day.” – CITYarts Inc. copyright. Project produced and created by CITYarts with the professional advice of Lewis Peach. Photo Credit: Photo courtesy of CITYarts, Inc. Photo taken by Berette Macaulay.
My Best Mistake: Ed Hoffman’s “Guiding Versus Trusting the Process”

I found out the hard way that some of the things you learn in school don’t hold up in the real world.

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Members of the cast and creator of the popular TV show Star Trek attending the rollout of the space shuttle prototype Enterprise at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale in 1976. From left, NASA administrator James Fletcher, DeForest Kelly, George Takei, Nichelle Nichols, Leonard Nimoy, Gene Rodenberry and Walter Koenig. Photo Credit: NASA
Spock’s Brain

The original Star Trek episode “Spock’s Brain” is not as well-ranked or well-starred as the fuzzball populated “Trouble with Tribbles.”

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Artist's Conception- Close Up The Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) spacecraft is the predecessor to the WMAP Project. COBE was launched by NASA into an Earth Orbit in 1989 to make a full sky map of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation leftover from the Big Bang. The first results were released in 1992. COBE's limited resolution (7 degree wide beam) provided the first tantilising details in a full sky image of the CMB. Photo Credit: NASA/COBE Science Team
My Best Mistake: John Mather’s “Recognizing My Limits”

I’ve made plenty of mistakes, and some were instructive.

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Lunar water could be used for drinking or its components – hydrogen and oxygen – could be used to manufacture important products on the surface that future visitors to the moon will need, like rocket fuel and breathable air. Photo Credit: NASA
Pockets of Knowledge

Twenty years ago, Doring Kindersley Publishing–the UK book company famous for the large “DK” logo on its lower spine and its floating art design–announced a new series of reference guides called DK Pockets.

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WPA work safety poster from the Library of Congress.. Image Credit: Library of Congress
My Best Mistake: Mike Lipka’s “Knowledge Now or Later”

Before I came to work for NASA, I worked as a contractor for the Air Force. My job was to develop and deploy a knowledge management system called “Knowledge Now.”

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Federal Knowledge Management Community meet for its17th meeting, attended in person and online for a total of 70 knowledge practitioners across two dozen government agencies. This meeting highlighted the application of gamification to knowledge services and lessons learned in sharing knowledge for infrastructure security and protection. Image credit: NASA/Mark Schwartz
Much More Than Fun and Games at 17th Federal Knowledge Management Community

The 17th meeting of Federal Knowledge Management Community was hosted by the Department of Homeland Security’s Judeth Kaylor on Friday, January 23, in Arlington, Virginia.

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Masters with Masters with Bart Singer and Jennifer Stevens. Image Credit: NASA
Learning Lessons at NASA: A Masters with Masters Interview with Bart Singer and Jennifer Stevens

How can lessons learned from NASA projects and programs guide our projects and programs to better ensure mission success?

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