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nside the clean-room "tent" of Building 1555 at North Vandenberg Air Force Base, technicians in bunny suits prepare for the solar array deployment on the AIM spacecraft. Photo Credit: NASA
Podcast Episode 116: NASA Trade and Technical Professionals, Part 2

NASA Technicians Scott Bartram, Eric Bentley, Maria Salinas, and Phil Steele discuss their hands-on work on a variety of projects and technologies.

LaRC Aircraft in front of Hangar, Building 1244 in 1994. Photo Credit: NASA Langley Research Center
Podcast Episode 114: Last Stop Before Retirement

NASA Langley Research Center Retired Chief Scientist Dennis Bushnell discusses highlights of his 60-year NASA career and the future of the agency.

Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. sits in a flight couch for final testing before Mercury-Redstone 3. Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: Shepard Claims the Prize

Astronaut tells rocket: ‘Okay buster, let’s go and get the job done.’

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Bill Tindall (left) and Gene Kranz in Mission Control during Apollo 11. Credit: NASA
The Enduring Leadership Lessons of Bill Tindall

History Office presentation highlights master integrator of Gemini, Apollo.

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A full-scale model of the inflated aeroshell for NASA’s Low-Earth Orbit Flight Test of an Inflatable Decelerator (LOFTID) is displayed at NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. Credit: NASA/David C. Bowman
NASA Prepares for Hypersonic Test of Inflatable Decelerator

Technology could transform exploration of Mars, other planets.

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Graphic for Spotlight on Lessons Learned.
Spotlight on Lessons Learned: System / Facility Impedance Checks

Impedance compatibility problems between test facilities and electronics hardware can result in damage or failure.

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Illustration of the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter. NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter is the first aircraft humanity has sent to another planet to attempt powered, controlled flight. Credit: NASA
Podcast Episode 88: Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Flights

Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Chief Pilot Håvard Grip discusses the rotorcraft’s history-making flights on the Red Planet.

NASA researched vertical farming in the Biomass Production Chamber, a repurposed Project Mercury-era hypobaric test chamber at Kennedy Space Center. Credit: NASA/KSC
Radiant Barriers, Vertical Gardens, Robotic Gloves and More

Publication highlights NASA technology improving life on Earth.

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Screen shot of Kevin Rivers smiling and looking at the camera. Credit: NASA
Critical Knowledge inSight: The Importance of Resilience for Project Managers

A resilient project manager stays flexible and open to making changes when adversity or opportunities affect a project.

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