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  • History Collection – Apollo

    Apollo: 1963 – 1972 – The Apollo Program landed humans on the Moon and brought them back safely to Earth. Learn all about NASA’s Apollo missions here. 

  • JSC Apollo-era Activities

    As NASA moves towards Artemis missions to the Moon JSC is celebrating the accomplishments of the Apollo 12 through Apollo 17 missions. Browse through numerous NASA events here. Employees are encouraged to take part in the wide range of activities that include sporting events, festivals, concerts, social hours, moonlight hikes and even runs.

  • Apollo Panel Discussions

    Panel discussions at Johnson Space Center including topics on Apollo Engineering Design, Development, and Certification Challenges, Lunar Module Landing Operations, Lunar Science Operations, Lunar Module Development and Operational Issues, Command Module Landing and Recovery Operations.

  • Podcast Episode 13: Apollo Legacies and Lessons Learned

    Award-winning journalist, space historian and author Andrew Chaikin discusses the Apollo Program, almost 50 years after the Apollo 11 Moon landing.

  • This Month in NASA History: Apollo 7 Returns America’s Focus to Landing on the Moon

    Mission of firsts achieves 101 percent success and sets the stage for orbiting the Moon.

  • This Month in NASA History: Tragedy Strikes the Apollo Program

    A deadly fire during a routine test shocked the nation and lead to a solemn vow to be tough and competent.   

  • Apollo I: Apollo 204 Review Board Final Report

    This is the Final Review Document for Apollo 204 as performed by the Apollo Review Board

  • This Month in NASA History: Apollo 8 Changes the World’s Perspective

    One billion people were following news of the first spacecraft to reach the Moon with humans aboard. 

  • The Human Interface Case Study

    The Apollo and Skylab Programs each suffered major setbacks and losses. These events, such as the Apollo 1 fire, the Apollo 13 oxygen tank explosion, and the Skylab 1 micrometeoroid shield loss, lesser-known crises were averted during the 21 missions that utilized the Apollo spacecraft. During Apollo 10 and Skylab 4, crews suffered from human factors related incidents.