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  • Critical Knowledge inSight: Testing Requirements

    Clear communication of the testing process helps customers keep their testing phase on schedule and budget.

  • Reducing Natural-Language Ambiguities in Requirements Engineering

    By Lars Schnieder and Susanne Arndt Interdisciplinary and inter-organizational project collaboration is a challenge. One of the most essential tasks in big and heterogeneous projects is requirements engineering, which, done properly, helps master complexity and reduce misunderstanding.

  • Spotlight on Lessons Learned: Sharing Access to the Requirements Management Database for the Project

    Shared use of a requirements management database with NASA contractors and partners greatly aids engineering collaboration and communication.

  • Requirements: The More the Better?

    By Terry Little For as long as I can remember, we in the Department of Defense have based our development programs on user requirements.

  • Fluids Management for Affordable Spaceflight

    By Russel Rhodes   There is more to a ballistic rocket than hardware and software. Think about all the fluids required to power its systems.

  • JSC Policy Requirements

    JSC Knowledge Management policy requirements and strategy documents.

  • All Requirements Are Not Equal

    By Todd Post In my last Conference Report, I told you about the KS East and West Meetings in December. March 12-15 found KS Participants back in Atlanta for the East meeting and, instead of San Francisco, we were in Pasadena this time for the West.

  • MIDAS: Keys to Software Success

    By Jeff Cline   A 1995 Standish Group survey of 365 respondents spanning 8,380 software applications showed that only 16 percent of software development projects finished on time and on budget; 31 percent were canceled; and the remaining 53 percent overran costs by an average of 189 percent.

  • James Barrowman on Defining Requirements

    Ask OCE — February 8, 2006 — Vol. 1, Issue 3   “It’s the wrong thing to be doing,” I told the Director of Engineering, trying to head off a last-minute change in our X-ray Timing Explorer (XTE) project.