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Individual accountability, teamwork and communication determine success at NASA.

Al Diaz served as NASA’s Associate Administrator of Science when he spoke to an audience at Masters Forum 17. He spoke about three areas to keep an eye on for mission success at NASA. Please watch the video to get the full context of his advice.

Video key learning points:

  1. 1.

    Individual accountability drives people to work as hard as possible to achieve mission success. Individual commitment to success is an important attitude needed to get things done.

  2. 2.

    Dedication to teamwork and an attitude of selflessness helps to create a successful NASA team.

  3. 3.

    Good, clear, regular communication is crucial for mission success. Communication errors can be found behind mission mishaps at NASA. Focusing on good communication can go a long way to keeping a mission on track for success.


Related Resources:

NASA Knowledge Toolbox: Collaboration

OPM: Building a Collaborative Team Environment

APPEL Course: Team Leadership

APPEL Course: Team Membership

Mars Science Laboratory: Integrating Science and Engineering Teams

Good Team Design

Cross-training within the Project Team

APPEL Course: Lessons Learned for Mission Success

APPEL Course: Communicating Technical Issues

APPEL Course: Crucial Conversations

APPEL Course: Improving Communication Effectiveness


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