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The X-15 pilots clown around in front of the #2 aircraft. From left to right: USAF Capt. Joseph Engle, USAF Maj. Robert Rushworth, NASA test pilot John "Jack" McKay, USAF Maj. William "Pete" Knight, NASA test pilot Milton Thompson, and NASA test pilot William Dana.
Academy Case Study: Knowledge Legacy – From the X-15 to the Space Shuttle

A new Academy case study examines how the X-15 program provided a knowledge base that informed the development of the space shuttle.

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NASA scientist Dr. John C. Mather shows some of the earliest data from the NASA Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) spacecraft during a press conference held on Oct. 6, 2006, at NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC. Dr. Mather shares the 2006 Nobel Prize for Physics with George F. Smoot of the University of California for their collaborative work on understanding the Big Bang. Photo Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls
How to Do Successful Science at NASA: An Introduction

Every successful Principal Investigator-led team stands on the shoulders of giants.

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Picture of NASA Procedural Requirement 7150.2A, which outlines NASA’s software engineering requirements.
NASA’s Software Engineering Handbook Released

The Software Engineering Working Group has released NASA’s first-ever electronic handbook for agency practitioners.

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The work of the United States federal government has a real effect on people’s lives. The American people deserve a highly effective government that in turn requires an engaged, well-prepared, and well-trained workforce. APPEL's second ELK event addressed this important issue with leaders from NASA, FBI, OPM, and Human Systems International.
ELK #2: Developing Talent in the Federal Workforce

Leaders from NASA, FBI, OPM, and abroad discuss the relationship between talent management and organizational success.

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Mike Lipka
CKO Corner: NSC’s Mike Lipka

Mike Lipka offers insight into the knowledge management services offered by the NASA Safety Center.

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NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope orbits our planet every 95 minutes, building up increasingly deeper views of the universe with every circuit. This image compresses eight individual frames, from a movie showing 51 months of position and exposure data by Fermi’s Large Area Telescope (LAT), into a single snapshot. The pattern reflects numerous motions of the spacecraft, including its orbit around Earth, the precession of its orbital plane, the manner in which the LAT nods north and south on alternate orbits, and more.
Message from the CKO: A Vocabulary for Knowledge at NASA

How should we describe the different kinds of knowledge activities taking place across NASA?

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The United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket with the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) spacecraft onboard is seen on Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013 at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. Photo Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls
Academy Infographic: LDCM’s Instrument Heritage

NASA’s Landsat Data Continuity Mission’s two instruments come from a line of cutting-edge technologies.

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Hoffman, Gaddis, and Yost.
PM Challenge Archive: Insights from NASA Practitioners

ASK the Academy looks back on its PM Challenge coverage from the past few years.

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This overall view of the Shuttle (White) Flight Control Room (WFCR) in Johnson Space Center’s Mission Control Center (MCC) was photographed during STS-114 simulation activities.
CKO Corner: JSC’s Jean Engle and Brent Fontenot

Jean Engle and Brent Fontenot discuss knowledge management at Johnson Space Center.

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