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Chief Knowledge Officer Ed Hoffman moderated a lively discussion on the impact of Lessons Learned with two master practitioners at NASA, Jennifer Stevens and Bart Singer. Photo Credit: NASA
White Papers, Black Holes, and Lessons Learned: A Masters with Masters Interview with Bart Singer and Jennifer Stevens

Hosted at Langley Research Center, NASA Chief Knowledge Officer Ed Hoffman moderated a lively discussion with two master knowledge practitioners.

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NASA pilot Dave Wright reviews pre-flight checklist prior to take-off. Photo Credit: NASA
My Best Mistake: David Oberhettinger’s “Why I Love Checklists”

So far, my life and career have weathered many mistakes.

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Masters with Masters Double Feature
Glenn Research Center and NASA’s Chief Knowledge Officer to Host a “Double Feature” of Masters with Masters Interviews

Project leadership and mentoring coincide in this series.

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On August 22, 2012, the rover made its first move, going forward about 15 feet (4.5 meters), rotating 120 degrees and then reversing about 8 feet (2.5 meters), from its landing site. The landing site was subsequently named Bradbury Landing, named after Ray Bradbury, whose first book was The Martian Chronicles and who was born on August 22, 1920. Photo Credits: NASA and AP
F2F for Knowledge In, Knowledge Out

What lesson can be learned from real and fictional portals?

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Dr. Ed Rogers, Chief Knowledge Officer at Goddard Space Flight Center, presented at the 19th Quarterly Federal Knowledge Management Community meeting. Photo Credit: NASA CKO
19th Quarterly Federal Knowledge Management Community Meeting: Beyond Grocery Lists

On Friday, July 17, 2015, the 19th Quarterly Federal Knowledge Management Community met at the Department of Transportation (DOT).

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The GALEX spacecraft before its launch in 2003. Photo Credit: NASA/JPL
My Best Mistake: James Fanson’s "Throw a Drowning Man a Life Ring"

I was project manager for GALEX, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer.

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The 19th Quarterly Federal Knowledge Management Community meeting will be held at Department of Transportation. Image Credit: DOT
19th Quarterly Federal Knowledge Management Community Meeting

On Friday, July 17, 2015, the Department of Transportation will host the 19th Quarterly Meeting of the Federal Knowledge Community (FKMC) in Washington, DC.

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April 2015, Dan Ranta (far left), former Director of Knowledge Sharing, ConocoPhillips, and Jean-Claude Monney (center), Global Knowledge Management Lead, Microsoft Services, mingle with participants at the Welcome Reception of Knowledge 2020 2.0. Photo Credit: NASA CKO
K2020 2.0: Sharing the Challenges of Building Cultures of Knowledge

The NASA knowledge community built on the foundation of the first K2020.

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One of the first steps taken on the Moon, this is an image of Buzz Aldrin's bootprint from the Apollo 11 mission. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin walked on the Moon on July 20, 1969. Photo Credit: NASA
The Whole Is Greater

What insight does the expression “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” have for Knowledge Services, especially at NASA?

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