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Artist’s concept of the Boeing CST-100 Starliner in flight. Image Credit: NASA
Commercial Crew Program Expands Opportunities

NASA’s Commercial Crew Program is driving the expansion of the U.S. economy into space while supporting the agency’s journey to Mars.

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: The Zarya control module was the first component of the ISS to reach orbit. It provided initial power, communications capabilities, and orientation control for the space station. Photo Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: The Cornerstone of the ISS Reached Orbit

On November 20, 1998, the Zarya module launched from Kazakhstan aboard a three-stage Proton rocket to form the cornerstone of the International Space Station (ISS).

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This unique “star trails” image was taken from the ISS by Expedition 31 Flight Engineer Dan Pettit. In order to create the image, Pettit took multiple 30-second exposures and stacked them using imaging software to evoke the effect of a 10- to 15-minute exposure. Photo Credit: NASA
ISS Marks 15th Anniversary

On November 2, 2015, NASA and its international partners celebrated a decade and a half of continuous human presence on the International Space Station (ISS).

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Two extraction parachutes were deployed behind a mockup of the Orion capsule during a recent test of the parachute system. Photo Credit: NASA
Parachute Tests Support Orion

In August, the Orion parachute system was put through a risky scenario: landing without two key parachutes. The results were even better than predicted.

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Technology to support the agency’s journey to Mars is being advanced at NASA centers across the country. One example is Adaptive Deployable Entry and Placement Technology (ADEPT): a concept for a carbon fabric heat shield that can be deployed to open like an umbrella as a spacecraft descends toward the surface of Mars. ADEPT is being explored at Ames Research Center. Photo Credit: NASA
Plans and Progress on the Journey to Mars

The agency charts a clear and sustainable path toward human spaceflight beyond low Earth orbit (LEO) in NASA’s Journey to Mars: Pioneering Next Steps in Space Exploration.

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Artist's impression of M-Cubed/COVE-2, a reflight of a University of Michigan cubesat designed to image the Earth at 200m per pixel. It carries JPL's COVE technology validation experiment. Photo Credit: NASA/JPL
NASA Expands CubeSat Launch Capabilities

Despite their increasing role in technology development, scientific discovery, and education, cubesat launch opportunities have been limited. Until now.

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Morgan Johnson, team lead for the University of Alaska Fairbanks satellite, discusses the Alaska Research CubeSat (ARC 1). Cubesats pack all necessary technology into a very small package: a one-unit (1U) cubesat is just 10 centimeters (cm) by 10 cm by 10 cm. Photo Credit: NASA/Kim Shiflett
CubeSats Transform Technology while Expanding Educational Opportunities

A fleet of cubesats intent on advancing technology development, scientific research, and educational outreach recently hitched a ride into low Earth orbit (LEO).

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Artist’s representation of the OCSD, a cubesat funded by NASA and developed by the Aerospace Corporation of El Segundo, CA. Image Credit: NASA
Advancing CubeSat Technology for Communications and Exploration

The Optical Communications and Sensor Demonstration (OCSD) mission is helping transform communications and deep space exploration capabilities.

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Bo Bejmuk at the Virtual Project Management Challenge.
Enhancing Career Potential by Cultivating a System-Level Mentality

At a recent Virtual Project Management (PM) Challenge, presenter Bohdan (Bo) Bejmuk discussed how a system-level perspective can enhance project management efforts.

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