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Discovery-Driven Science

By Dr. James B. Garvin For fifty years, NASA has promoted scientific investigations enabled by the space-borne vantage point it has pioneered.

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Space Science: Forty-Five Years of Thinking and Tinkering

  By Noel Hinners Starting in 1963, I have witnessed in amazement the science discoveries made by the nation’s human and robotic space program.

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Using the Moon to Learn About Living on Mars

By Laurence R. Young So we are going back to the moon, this time with more people staying for longer periods. The lunar outpost has been envisioned as a substantial home base—if not a settlement—to house and supply astronauts as they explore the lunar surface.

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Shaping the Space Age: The International Geophysical Year

By Matthew Kohut It’s a story so familiar it has achieved popular status as NASA’s creation legend: when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik in October 1957, it shocked the flat-footed United States into action, locking the Cold War gladiators into a space race.

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A Brief History of Project Management Development at NASA

By Ed Hoffman Thinking about this special issue of ASK focusing on NASA’s fiftieth anniversary, it occurred to me that there is a story from my own experience that is worth sharing.

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Lessons from the Past: How NASA’s Early Culture Informs Current Challenges

By Howard E. McCurdy Imagine for a moment that high-ranking government officials enthusiastically embrace a plan to send Americans to the moon as part of an effort that will lead eventually to human expeditions to Mars.

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Lessons from Shuttle Development

By Jim Odom I was the project manager for the Space Shuttle external tank for eleven years, from the planning days in 1971 through the launch of the sixth shuttle flight in 1983.

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Leadership, Teamwork, and Focus: Viking’s Landing on Mars

By Kerry Ellis Since the advent of space exploration, Mars has been a tantalizing goal.

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Teaching Geology to Apollo Astronauts

By Gary Lofgren I came fresh out of graduate school to the then Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC—later Johnson Space Center) in 1973, prepared to build a laboratory to study the formation of basaltic rocks.

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