By Laurence Prusak During the recent financial crisis, many people asked how such well-educated and highly trained traders, analysts, and brokers could have made such awful decisions.
![ASK INteractive 35](
NASA in the News To celebrate the fortieth anniversary of the Apollo program’s achievements, including the first moon landing, NASA has put together a collection of historic images, videos, personal stories and recollections, and more interactive features found here.
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Here is a description of a book that we believe will interest ASK readers.
By Ed Hoffman Information technology develops at such a rapid clip that most of us are scrambling to keep up. This is particularly true for those of us involved in workforce development.
Don Cohen, Managing Editor We usually think of innovation as developing some new product or technology.
By Kerry Ellis Before my conversation with Alan Epstein, the new—and first—vice president of technology and environment at Pratt & Whitney, my only concern about my flight out of the country this summer was whether I’d board on time.
By Carri Karuhn Steve Yows had a problem. He was working on some rocket engine technology and hoped to find something “out there” in the industry that would help two computer software programs communicate with one another faster. But he wasn’t sure what it was and didn’t know how long it would take to find.
By Fayssal M. Safie After the Columbia accident, I was asked to lead the statistical data analysis team for the external tank foam in support of the Space Shuttle external tank return-to-flight team.
By Don Cohen Dr. Alexander Laufer is professor of civil engineering at the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) and director of the Center for Project Leadership at Columbia University.