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Knowledge in Brief — Learning by Listening

Successfully sharing knowledge is complicated. To acquire knowledge, you have to have some idea of what you need to know, find a good source for that knowledge, figure out how the people (or documents) offering that knowledge understand the concepts involved, and work out how the knowledge applies to your own activities.

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ASK Interactive (ASK 29)

NASA in the News NASA recently launched a Web site that contains survey responses collected from 25,762 air carrier pilots and 4,777 general aviation pilots as part of the NASA National Aviation Operational Monitoring Service (NAOMS) project, which ran from April 2001 through December 2004.

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Ask 29 books
ASK Bookshelf (ASK 29)

Here are descriptions of two books that we believe will interest ASK readers.

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From the APPEL Director — Innovation: Burning Bridges or Building Them?

By Ed Hoffman I love movies. What does that have to do with ASK and NASA? My love of movies recently led me to purchase a DVD set called A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies.

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The Knowledge Notebook — The Costs of Knowledge

By Larry Prusak One of the defining features of society and the economy at the beginning of the twenty-first century is the plummeting cost of working with information.

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In This Issue (ASK 29)

Don Cohen, Managing Editor The success of complex project work depends on good communication. That’s such an obvious truth, it may hardly seem worth mentioning: if the many people building a spacecraft or pursuing some other ambitious goal can’t understand one another and coordinate their efforts, the project will fail.

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Choosing and Developing the Right Leadership Styles for Projects

By Dr. Ralf Müller Analyzing extensive questionnaires completed by 400 project management professionals, Professor Rodney Turner of the Lille Graduate School of Management and I have identified competencies that contribute significantly to project management success.

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The Project Manager Who Saved His Country

By John Baniszewski George graduated with a degree from one of the finest engineering colleges in America and immediately went to work for the government. For several years, he worked staff jobs. His career took off when his organization put him to work on projects.

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Reaching for the APEX at Ames

By Matthew Kohut “Every manager has the same complaint, regardless of his or her level,” says Dr. Jeffrey McCandless, strategic advisor for the Human Systems Integration Division at Ames Research Center.

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