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In this artist’s illustration, a Pioneer space probe travels beyond the planets in the solar system. Credit: Don Davis/NASA
This Month in NASA History: Pioneer 11 Arrives at Jupiter

Space probe’s journey began with exceptional project management.

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Technicians preparing for removal of Viking Lander 1's aeroshell cover in KSC's Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility 2 (SAEF-2). Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: Viking 1 Heads to Mars

Ambitious mission required extensive technical innovation.

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The Space Shuttle Challenger, with its seven member crew and battery of scientific experiments aboard, eases its rear landing gear onto the dry lake bed at Edwards Air Force Base in California, completing STS-51-F. Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: STS-51-F

Crew recovers from engine shutdown to complete ambitious science objectives.

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Close-up view of astronauts James A. McDivitt (foreground) and Edward H. White II inside their Gemini-4 spacecraft. Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: Engineering the First American Spacewalk

Gemini IV astronauts solve hatch problems, test human endurance.

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Surveyor 1 was a three-legged spacecraft, 10 feet tall, with large pads at the end of each leg. At about 650 pounds, it was a true test of the lunar surface and the first controlled-descent, soft landing on the Moon. Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: Surveyor 1 Launches

Robotic lander series demonstrated lunar surface would support Apollo’s Lunar Module.

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The satellite rescue attempt during STS-51-D included an unscheduled rendezvous maneuver, an unscheduled spacewalk, and a highly unusual request: Build a fly swatter. Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: Build a Fly Swatter

Well-trained shuttle crew works to activate malfunctioning satellite.

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The Space Shuttle Atlantis carried the Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science (ATLAS-1) module in its cargo bay in March 1992 during the STS-45 mission. The ATLAS-1 instruments are back dropped against the Atlas Mountains and dunes in the Iguidi Dune Sea near Mali in the western Sahara. Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: STS-45 Studies Earth

First flight of ATLAS examined Earth’s complex mesosphere and solar science.

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NASA astronauts James D. A. “Ox” van Hoften, and George D. “Pinky” Nelson train to capture and repair the Solar Maximum Mission spacecraft at Marshall Space Flight Center’s Neutral Buoyancy Simulator. The training included using the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU). Credit: NASA/MSFC
This Month in NASA History: Solar Maximum Mission

Rescued spacecraft examined sunspots, solar flares and more.

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The Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF), after nearly six years orbiting Earth, is retrieved during space shuttle mission STS-32. LDEF gathered data about how high-performance spacecraft materials withstand long-term exposure to solar radiation, space debris, and the extreme temperatures of Low Earth Orbit. This information helped engineers select the best materials to build the International Space Station, Mars rovers, and other spacecraft. Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: Recovering LDEF

NASA’s Long Duration Exposure Facility reveals hazards of Low Earth Orbit.

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