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This course is being updated with current information and best practices. We plan on scheduling this course as soon as the updates are complete. Anticipated schedule is FY25 Q2.


  • Program / Project Management
    Program / Project Management

Skill Level: Team/Subsystem Leads or higher.

This course provides a working level understanding of how to manage changes to the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB), control management reserve, and analyze performance indicators and flags that build upon the basic understanding of EVM and the PMB, cost and schedule variances and indices, and estimate at completion (EAC).

This is an advanced course that is designed for project team members and others who are responsible for the cost, schedule, and technical performance of project work scope to include performance of suppliers, contractors, and partners.

Project Management Competencies
Click here to view the Competency Models.

Related Resources

Resource Category

Earned value project management (Public) Book
NASA Project Management Handbook (PDF) (Public) Document
Control Account Manager (APPEL-CAM) Related APPEL Course
Earned Value Management Systems (APPEL-EVMS) Related APPEL Course
Integrated Baseline Review (APPEL-IBR) Related APPEL Course
Scheduling Virtual Learning Lab (APPEL-SVLL) Related APPEL Course

APPEL Library Resource

NASA Galaxie Library NASA Galaxie Library
All supplemental resources are NASA accessible only unless otherwise noted.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain how to manage changes to the PMB.
  • Demonstrate proper use of management reserve and schedule margin.
  • Validate EVM and schedule data; interface with suppliers about performance reporting; and formulate action plans.
  • Recognize and respond to early warning signs from EVM data analysis and use results for effective decision making.
  • Develop independent estimates at completion based on historical performance.
  • Formulate pertinent EVM metrics and reporting for senior management.
  • Explain the role of EVM in contractors performance evaluation and award fee process.
  • Describe methods to build good EVM working relationships between the customer and their suppliers.