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Lessons Learned Bot API – Integrating Lessons Learned into Agency Applications

The Lessons Learned Bot API is a REST Application Programming Interface (API) that can be accessed using a variety of web technologies and programming languages from anywhere within the NASA agency firewall. If your application is capable of accessing a REST API, which most are these days, then it should be possible to integrate the LLB API and its datasets, including thousands of Lessons Learned, into your existing application.

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In this Small Steps, Giant Leaps podcast graphic, we are showing a team of technicians checking one of James Webb Space Telescope's mirror segments. Credit: NASA
Podcast Episode 78: Engineering Best Practices–Part 1

NASA Chief Engineer Ralph Roe discusses engineering best practices.

Figure 1 is showing an overview of the Lessons Learned Bot in Excel. One cell containing a paragraph is selected, and search results are displayed on a sidebar to the right. The sidebar is titled "Lessons Learned Bot Results." In this sidebar, you can see various titles and descriptions of relevant documents.
Lessons Learned Bot Excel Version

In near real-time, the Lessons Learned Bot, or LLB, brings lessons learned (LL) documents to users through a Microsoft Excel add-in application locally installed to search for LL content relevant to the text within the selected Excel cell. The application will encompass a corpus of documents, a trained Machine Learning (ML) model, built-in ML tools to train user’s documents, and an easy-to-use user interface to allow for the streamlined discovery of LL content.

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Langley Research Center CKO Kevin Rivers. Credit: NASA
Knowledge Community Corner: NASA Langley’s Kevin Rivers

Kevin Rivers discusses knowledge sharing at NASA’s Langley Research Center. 

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In the fall of 2022, the DART spacecraft will collide head-on with the smaller asteroid in the Didymos system in the first space test of the kinetic impactor method for deflecting an asteroid. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL
DART Takes Aim at Asteroid Moonlet

Mission will be first space test of kinetic impactor method.

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Critical Knowledge inSight: Building Team Cohesion
Critical Knowledge inSight: Building Team Cohesion

Team cohesion and good communication are key factors for a team to be successful on a project.

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Spotlight on Lessons Learned: Thermal Vacuum Lamp Spectrum

Potential modeling inaccuracy may be avoided in thermal vacuum tests by using heater plates instead of quartz lamps.

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Podcast Episode 48: Mars Landing Retropropulsion Simulation
Podcast Episode 48: Mars Landing Retropropulsion Simulation

NASA’s Michelle Munk, Ashley Korzun and Eric Nielsen discuss the impact of state-of-the-art computing on future NASA missions.

Mars Landing Retropropulsion Simulation

NASA’s Michelle Munk, Ashley Korzun and Eric Nielsen discuss the impact of state-of-the-art computing on future NASA missions.

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