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Technicians inspect the primary mirror of the Hubble Space Telescope, one of the case studies noted in Seven Axioms of Good Engineering: Development of a Case Study-Based Course for NASA. Photo Credit: NASA
APPEL in Academia: Highlighting the Role of Case Study-Based Learning

Seven Axioms of Good Engineering: Development of a Case Study-Based Course for NASA has been accepted for presentation at the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) conference.

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A representation of the evolution of the universe over 13.77 billion years. Image Credit: NASA / WMAP Science Team
This Month in NASA History: WMAP Began to Transform Cosmology

On June 30, 2001, a single-instrument probe launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida on a Delta II rocket and cracked open a precise and accurate window into the history of the universe.

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Matthew Smith, reliability analyst, is a member of the pilot Rocket U program at Glenn Research Center. Photo courtesy of Matthew Smith.
Interview with Glenn Research Center’s Matthew Smith

A love of systems thinking brought Matthew Smith to Glenn Research Center. Now GRC’s Rocket University program is letting him apply that thinking to a full project lifecycle.

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Sarah DeWitt holding a vial of diamonds that are older than the solar system. Photo Credit: Kate Webbink, The Field Museum
Sharing NASA’s Science and Engineering Stories

NASA’s Office of the Chief Scientist is on track to launch a science communications initiative designed to help the agency’s practitioners tell their stories.

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Lealem Mulugeta performing an EVA at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah. Photo courtesy of Lealem Mulugeta.
Announcing the NASA Young Professionals Page

The APPEL website introduces the first comprehensive source for connecting NASA young professionals with their peers across the agency.

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Kristen Bury sitting on the SPARTAN (Station Power, Articulation, and Thermal Control) console in Mission Control at Johnson Space Center. Photo Credit: NASA
Interview with Glenn Research Center’s Kristen Bury

Glenn Research Center’s Rocket University program is giving Kristen Bury her first shot at working with real flight hardware.

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This photograph depicts an intense moment during the SA-6 launch at the Firing Room. Dr. von Braun, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is at center; to his left is Dr. George Mueller, Associate Director for Marned Space Flight; and far right is Dr. Eberhard Rees, Director for Research and Development, MSFC. The SA-6, the sixth flight of the Saturn 1 vehicle, launched a S-IV stage (a second stage) and an Apollo boilerplate spacecraft. Photo Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: 50th Anniversary of the A-101 Launch

Fifty years ago this month, NASA launched the first Apollo Command Module into orbit.

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View of Earth taken by the crew of Expedition 34 on board the International Space Station. Photo Credit: NASA
Assessment of NASA’s Export Control Practices

A recently released Government Accountability Office (GAO) report calls for NASA to improve its compliance with export control policy.

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Updates to APPEL’s YouTube Channel

The Academy’s YouTube channel now includes new ways to access practitioner stories, insight, and knowledge.

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