A recent Virtual PM Challenge explored the importance of raising awareness of cognitive bias in engineering decision-making and limiting its impact on NASA projects.
From April through June, 2018, APPEL Knowledge Services will deliver 40 courses designed to support professional development at NASA.
In 2018, the Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL) joined forces with NASA’s Chief Knowledge Office (CKO) to create APPEL Knowledge Services.
A new edition of the APPEL News Digest has been released. We invite you to read it today on our website.
Using artificial intelligence (AI), researchers trained a computer to uncover new exoplanets in existing Kepler data.
For the second quarter of fiscal year (FY) 2018, APPEL will deliver a broad range of courses that support the development goals of NASA practitioners.
How can engineers hone their leadership and technical skills to enhance mission success? A recent NASA Virtual Project Management (PM) Challenge offered answers.
Following the 2017 hurricane season, NASA and NOAA continue their efforts to improve extended weather forecasting abilities with the launch of a next-generation remote-sensing satellite.
Thirty years ago, NASA received the Robert J. Collier Trophy for a joint agency-industry project that revolutionized aeronautical propulsion—yet never flew commercially.