By Dr. Alexander Laufer Trust has been a main theme in over 20 articles that have been printed in ASK so far. These stories make it very clear: trust among project partners is not just an attitude that is nice to have.
By Ed Hoffman The Center for Program/Project Management Research is intended to be a catalyst for engaging universities to collaborate with NASA in the important domain of program and project management.

By Jessica Simmons Most of my late-August evenings were spent watching American gymnasts compete in the Summer Olympics. The amount of flexibility, dedication, focus, stamina — and pure bravery — was fascinating to me.

Gary Klein, Ph.D., is Chief Scientist oF Klein Associates Inc., a company he founded in 1978 to better understand how to improve decision making in individuals and teams.

By Brent Cobleigh NASA’s 2003-2004 Leadership Development Program (LDP) class recognized that effective collaborations are often the key to achieving mission success.

By Bill Townsend As Deputy Director at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, I was responsible for overseeing the launch of the Aura spacecraft from atop a Boeing Delta II rocket out of Vandenburg Air Force Base in July 2004.

By Ray Morgan The largest of all flying pterodactyls, the Quetzalcoatlus Northropi, had no tail.
By Scott Tibbitts It was fourteen years ago, and I remember it well. It seemed that the right hand didn’t know what the left was doing. It was crazy.

By W. Scott Cameron I have noted during my career that there is a never-ending amount of rules and restrictions forced upon project managers under the guise of helping them “be successful” in managing their projects.