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Software engineers work in the background as Glenn Research Center technician Joe Kerka rotates the SCaN Testbed flight-enclosure assembly using a specially manufactured mount.
SCaN Testbed: Battling Flight-Schedule Killers

By Ann Over   The Space Communications and Networking (SCaN) Testbed (STB) is a flight and ground system delivered on a fast-track schedule by Glenn Research Center.

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Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Aki Hoshide, Expedition 32 flight engineer, uses a digital still camera to expose a photo of his helmet visor during the mission’s third session of extravehicular activity.
Beyond the ISS

This article is excerpted and adapted from Structuring Future International Cooperation: Learning from the ISS, by L. Cline, P. Finarelli, G. Gibbs, and I. Pryke   In September 1988, the United States, Canada, Japan, and ten member nations of the European Space Agency signed agreements that established what was originally the Space Station Freedom (SSF).

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Building the Goddard Career-Path Tool
Building the Goddard Career-Path Tool

By David Wilhelm, Nancy Lindsey, Maria So, Nichole Pinkney, and Nancy Rackley The ability to plan one’s career path can be a strong force for morale and fulfillment in the workplace.

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Getting the Most From Your Mentor
Getting the Most from Your Mentor

By Richard McDermott Mentoring has a long tradition at NASA.

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The development of the XV-15 tiltrotor research aircraft was initiated in 1973 with joint army–NASA funding as a “proof of concept,” or “technology demonstrator” program, with two aircraft being built by Bell Helicopter Textron in 1977.
From Masters with Masters: Jack Boyd and Hans Mark

In August 2012, NASA Chief Knowledge Officer and Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership Director Ed Hoffman sat down with Hans Mark, from the University of Texas at Austin, and NASA’s Jack Boyd at the Ames Research Center as part of the Academy’s Masters with Masters series.

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In This Issue by Don Cohen
In This Issue (ASK 48)

Don Cohen, Managing Editor   ASK Magazine is one small part of NASA’s varied and extensive efforts to share the knowledge needed to carry out the agency’s projects and programs successfully.

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The Knowledge Notebook by Laurence Prusak
The Knowledge Notebook: Where Is the Knowledge at NASA?

By Laurence Prusak Imagine if the Curiosity rover found evidence of life on Mars—not fossil microorganisms, but a live, English-speaking Martian.

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ASK Interactive
ASK Interactive (ASK 48)

NASA in the News On August 25, 2012, Neil Armstrong, America’s first man on the moon, passed away at the age of 82.

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Interview with Lynn Cline

By Don Cohen During her thirty-six-year career at NASA, Lynn Cline led U.S. delegations to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and served as NASA’s lead negotiator of the agreement that resulted in Russia becoming a partner in the International Space Station (ISS).

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