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Critical Knowledge Insight
Critical Knowledge inSight: Risk and Innovation Balance for Mission Success

At NASA, balancing the need to innovate to meet project requirements with the amount of risk you are able to tolerate is always an important consideration for leaders.

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Following the successful landing of the Space Shuttle Columbia, America’s first-ever reusable spacecraft, at Edwards Air Force Base on April 14, 1981, STS-1 Commander John Young and Pilot Robert Crippen (in tan space suits) were greeted by members of the ground crew. Credit: NASA
This Month in NASA History: STS-1 Revolutionized Spaceflight

On April 12, 1981, the Space Shuttle Program took off with Space Transportation System 1 (STS-1): the maiden voyage of the orbiter Columbia. 

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Clockwise from upper left: Lead, Statistical Engineering Team with the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) Ken Johnson, Managing Director at KNP Communications Matthew Kohut, Langley Research Center (LaRC) cognitive scientist John Holbrook, moderator Ramien Pierre, and Principal Engineer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Steven Larson discussed issues and solutions for addressing the role of cognitive bias in engineering decision-making.
Mitigating Cognitive Bias in Engineering Decision-Making

A recent Virtual PM Challenge explored the importance of raising awareness of cognitive bias in engineering decision-making and limiting its impact on NASA projects. 

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This visual indicates the number of APPEL Knowledge Services courses offered at each NASA center for the third-quarter of FY18. Credit: NASA
Explore Third-Quarter Courses from APPEL Knowledge Services

From April through June, 2018, APPEL Knowledge Services will deliver 40 courses designed to support professional development at NASA. 

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APPEL KS Announcement
Introducing APPEL Knowledge Services

In 2018, the Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL) joined forces with NASA’s Chief Knowledge Office (CKO) to create APPEL Knowledge Services. 

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William Gerstenmaier
Critical Knowledge inSight: Handling Dissenting Opinion

A dissenting opinion occurs when you have a person or persons that have a different opinion than the majority. Bringing up this dissenting opinion and clearly explaining why a differing opinion has been formed are both important aspects to healthy communication in an organization.

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Critical Knowledge Insight
Critical Knowledge inSight: Technology Transfer

Scientists and engineers busy at work on their projects struggle to find time to make the invaluable contribution of sharing discoveries and new technology.

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Jessica Parsons
Critical Knowledge inSight: Success Factors for Integration

At NASA, project integration is crucial work that enables mission success.

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Critical Knowledge inSight: Culture of Innovation

Creativity and innovation are at the heart of NASA work.

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