“Staying within the Box” on AIM (James Russell III)
The development of a satellite mission comes with many challenges even when everything develops as expected. Virtually always, however, the expected does not occur. Instrument sensitivities do not materialize as planned; pointing systems underperform; interactions among the payload, spacecraft, and the launch vehicle create vibration loads that threaten the integrity of the observatory; and looming […]
(Preview) Anne Caraccio: Where I Want to Be
As the Space Shuttle Program comes to a close, Anne Caraccio, chemical engineer at Kennedy Space Center, shares her story about how she came to work in the space program and what it means to her as a young professional at NASA. She spoke to an audience of Apollo and Shuttle era engineers at the […]
#ConnectedGov: Engaging Stakeholders in the Digital Age
Vol. 6, Issue 1 Digital platforms are enabling government agencies to do more with less, according to a recent report by the Partnership for Public Service.
ASK Bookshelf (ASK 23)
From time to time, the editors will offer brief reviews of books they believe will especially interest ASK readers. Here are descriptions of two books, very different from one another, that we admire.
ASK Bookshelf (ASK 24)
From time to time, the editors will offer brief reviews of books they believe will especially interest ASK readers. Here are descriptions of two books, very different from one another, that we admire.
ASK Bookshelf (ASK 25)
Here are descriptions of two books, very different from one another, that we believe will interest ASK readers.