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Left: Interior of Boeing’s CST-100 spacecraft. Photo Credit: NASA/Robert Markowitz. Right: SpaceX Dragon V2 spacecraft, designed to carry humans into orbit. Image Credit: NASA/Dmitri Gerondidakis.
NASA Selects Two Commercial Partners for Crew Transport in Low Earth Orbit

The announcement that NASA will partner with more than one company took some by surprise. But the decision sets up the agency for success beyond low Earth orbit (LEO). 

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Members of Glenn Research Center’s pilot Rocket U program prepare the balloon for their flight project. From left to right: Kristen Bury, Amanda Stevenson, Justin Niehaus, Deb Goodenow, and Dave Wolford. Behind the balloon: Fransua Thomas. Photo credit: Anthony Roberts/NASA
At Rocket U, Accelerated Learning and Unparalleled Resources Support Future Mission Success

Glenn Research Center’s Rocket University pilot program melds course work with hands-on experience to give early-career engineers a strong foundation for the future.

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Marshall Space Flight Center tests a 3D printer that will be launched to the ISS in autumn of 2014. Photo Credit: NASA
3D Printing in Space: Great Promise But Long Path Forward

A recent report issued by the National Research Council examined the potential applications and challenges for additive manufacturing in space.

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In the new interactive APPEL Catalog, each course has its own web page that features an in-depth multimedia exploration of course details.
Introducing The First Interactive APPEL Catalog

August 18 marked the launch of the new APPEL Catalog: the first online curriculum guide from the Academy.

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The middle section of the ceramic-cloth sunshade is being attached to MESSENGER. Photo Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington.
This Month in NASA History: MESSENGER Launched an Investigation into Mercury

Ten years ago this month, MESSENGER embarked on a mission to uncover the secrets of the least-explored terrestrial planet.

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Contract Management Principles and Practices for PMs
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Crucial Accountability
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Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Overview
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Introduction to Project Management at NASA
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