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  • Improve team leadership and effectiveness to better accomplish mission-critical work
  • Utilize Lessons Learned to develop effective decision-making skills through engineering design and project management case analyses
  • Explore key principles and practices for project management, systems engineering, and building NASA teams
  • Improve the ability to develop and manage complex aeronautical and astronautical systems
  • Learn online with APPEL Knowledge Services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Learn the principles and practices of program/project management that are essential to mission success
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Time Zone/Center
Advanced Earned Value Management (APPEL-vAEVM)

Advanced Earned Value Management (APPEL-vAEVM)

This course is being updated. Scheduling is limited to center-requested offerings until updates are complete.
Advanced MBSE: Managing Models and Modelers (APPEL – vAMBSE1)

Advanced MBSE: Managing Models and Modelers (APPEL – vAMBSE1)

Effectively transition to managing MBSE teams in NASA.
No courses currently scheduled.
Advanced Project Management and Advanced Systems Engineering (APPEL-vAPM&ASE)

Advanced Project Management and Advanced Systems Engineering (APPEL-vAPM&ASE)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Agile PM: The Keys to Getting Started (APPEL-vAGILE)

Agile PM: The Keys to Getting Started (APPEL-vAGILE)

Application of Agile PM principles.
No courses currently scheduled.
APPEL Case Studies

APPEL Case Studies

A downloadable library of written cases focusing on lessons learned for the NASA technical workforce.
APPEL KS Quick Webinars

APPEL KS Quick Webinars

Improve your career skills and leadership abilities with APPEL KS webinars. (NASA Only)
APPEL KS Youtube Channel

APPEL KS Youtube Channel

APPEL Knowledge Services YouTube Channel
APPEL Virtual PM Challenge

APPEL Virtual PM Challenge

Live and on-demand webcasts on current topics in program/project management.
Assessing Project Performance (APPEL-vAPP)

Assessing Project Performance (APPEL-vAPP)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Career Development and Training – Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs) (NASA Only)

Career Development and Training – Contracting Officer’s Representatives (CORs) (NASA Only)

Training to help Contracting Officer's Representatives (CORs) understand their roles and responsibilities.
CFO University (NASA Only)

CFO University (NASA Only)

Courses for those working in Financial Management, Accounting, Budget, & Resource Management across the Agency.
Change Management (APPEL – vTCM)

Change Management (APPEL – vTCM)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Chief Program Management Officer (NASA Only)

Chief Program Management Officer (NASA Only)

Strengthening program and project management to increase performance and enable long-term mission success for NASA.
Cognitive Bias in Engineering Decision-Making (APPEL-vCBED)

Cognitive Bias in Engineering Decision-Making (APPEL-vCBED)

Mitigate the impacts of heuristics and biases.
No courses currently scheduled.
Communicating Technical Issues (APPEL-vCTI)

Communicating Technical Issues (APPEL-vCTI)

Discover the foundation for communicating technical information.
No courses currently scheduled.
Complex Decision Making in Project Management (APPEL-vCDMPM)

Complex Decision Making in Project Management (APPEL-vCDMPM)

Learn about the factors which can impact decision making
Oct 9-10, 2024
Registration opens on:

Aug 01, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Contract Management Principles and Practices for Project Managers (APPEL-vCMPP)
Control Account Manager (APPEL-CAM)
Cost Estimation for Project Managers (APPEL-vCOST)
Creativity and Innovation (APPEL-vC&I)

Creativity and Innovation (APPEL-vC&I)

Maintaining excellence and technological superiority.
No courses currently scheduled.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (APPEL-vCTPS)

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving (APPEL-vCTPS)

Learn to be able to think critically.
No courses currently scheduled.
Crucial Conversations for Accountability (APPEL-vCA)

Crucial Conversations for Accountability (APPEL-vCA)

Performance management improved.
Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue (APPEL-vCC)

Crucial Conversations for Mastering Dialogue (APPEL-vCC)

The standard in effective communication.
Crucial Influence (APPEL-CIN)

Crucial Influence (APPEL-CIN)

Leadership Skills for Lasting Behavior Change.
Decision Analysis (APPEL-vDA)

Decision Analysis (APPEL-vDA)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Defense Acquisition University

Defense Acquisition University

A resource for Defense Acquisition University Training (DAU) Opportunities.
Earth, Moon, and Mars (APPEL-EMM)

Earth, Moon, and Mars (APPEL-EMM)

Leveraging geology to understand other planets.
Ensuring MBSE Model Consistency – By Design (APPEL – vAMBSE2)

Ensuring MBSE Model Consistency – By Design (APPEL – vAMBSE2)

Advance NASA practices with scalable MBSE solutions.
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Overview (APPEL-vFAR)

Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Overview (APPEL-vFAR)

Introduction to the Federal Acquisition Regulation and the NASA FAR Supplement.
No courses currently scheduled.
Foundations and Practice of MBSE & SysML (APPEL-MBSEFP)

Foundations and Practice of MBSE & SysML (APPEL-MBSEFP)

Get hands-on practical experience in Cameo Systems Modeler and SysML.
Jan 14-23, 2025
Registration opens on:

Nov 01, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Feb 11-20, 2025
Registration opens on:

Dec 02, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Foundations of Aerospace at NASA (APPEL-vFOU)

Foundations of Aerospace at NASA (APPEL-vFOU)

Supporting NASA's mandate through technical excellence.
Fundamentals of Systems Engineering (APPEL-vFSE)

Fundamentals of Systems Engineering (APPEL-vFSE)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
GSFC Case Study Library

GSFC Case Study Library

A downloadable library of written cases on NASA projects or subjects relevant to the NASA workforce.
Human Spaceflight and Mission Design (APPEL-vHSMD)
Integrated Baseline Review (APPEL-IBR)
International Project Management (APPEL-IPM)

International Project Management (APPEL-IPM)

Learn to effectively work with international partners.
No courses currently scheduled.
Introduction to Green Engineering (APPEL-GREEN)

Introduction to Green Engineering (APPEL-GREEN)

Engineering to minimize environmental problems.
No courses currently scheduled.
Introduction to NASA Spectrum Management for Mission Planners and Project Managers (HQ-SM101A)

Introduction to NASA Spectrum Management for Mission Planners and Project Managers (HQ-SM101A)

Importance of spectrum management in enabling wireless communications and remote sensing.
Introduction to Project Management at NASA (APPEL-vPM101)

Introduction to Project Management at NASA (APPEL-vPM101)

Introduction to the agency and center specific Project Management lifecycle.
No courses currently scheduled.
Introduction to Software Engineering (APPEL-vISWE)

Introduction to Software Engineering (APPEL-vISWE)

A high-level overview of NASA software engineering foundational concepts.
No courses currently scheduled.
Knowledge Inventory

Knowledge Inventory

A growing collection of case studies, lessons learned, expert videos, and knowledge networks.
Leading Complex Projects (APPEL-vLCP)

Leading Complex Projects (APPEL-vLCP)

Learn concepts, tools, and techniques used to manage complex projects.
Oct 28-30, 2024
Registration opens on:

Aug 01, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Lifecycle, Processes & Systems Engineering (APPEL-vLPSE)

Lifecycle, Processes & Systems Engineering (APPEL-vLPSE)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Managing NASA Research and Technology Projects (APPEL-vR&T_PM)

Managing NASA Research and Technology Projects (APPEL-vR&T_PM)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Managing Virtual Teams (APPEL-MVT)

Managing Virtual Teams (APPEL-MVT)

Practice the techniques required to be an effective distance manager and team member.
No courses currently scheduled.


Boosting mission success through digital engineering.
MBSE for Technical Leaders and Subsystem Engineers (APPEL-MBSETL)

MBSE for Technical Leaders and Subsystem Engineers (APPEL-MBSETL)

Understanding the essential to better support engineering teams.
Sep 17-18, 2024Oct 22-23, 2024
Registration opens on:

Aug 01, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Model Based Systems Engineering Simulation (APPEL – vAMBSE3)

Model Based Systems Engineering Simulation (APPEL – vAMBSE3)

How stuff works – analyzing systems using executable models.
No courses currently scheduled.
NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC) (NASA Only)

NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC) (NASA Only)

A collection of information and insights from senior scientists, engineers, and subject matter experts.
NASA Lessons Learned (LLIS)

NASA Lessons Learned (LLIS)

An agency-wide database for capturing and sharing lessons learned.
NASA Safety Center (NSC)

NASA Safety Center (NSC)

Learning opportunities that support the Safety and Mission Assurance (SMA) discipline.
NASA Skillsoft Courses

NASA Skillsoft Courses

Vast collection of online learning resources like online courses, books, videos, and audiobooks through SATERN.
Negotiations (APPEL-vNG)

Negotiations (APPEL-vNG)

Learn negotiating skills that promote effective leadership.
Oct 7-11, 2024
Registration opens on:

Aug 01, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
NODIS Library

NODIS Library

Agency- and center-level policy documentation directories.
NODIS Library (OCE)

NODIS Library (OCE)

Critical Office of the Chief Engineer (OCE) policy documents.
Pay It Forward: Capturing, Sharing and Learning NASA Lessons (APPEL-vPIF)

Pay It Forward: Capturing, Sharing and Learning NASA Lessons (APPEL-vPIF)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Performance-Based Statement of Work (APPEL-vPBSOW)

Performance-Based Statement of Work (APPEL-vPBSOW)

Learn to write effective Performance Based Statements of Work.
PgM Series – Program Management Series Overview

PgM Series – Program Management Series Overview

Learn more about our 6 new Program Management courses.
No courses currently scheduled.
PgM Series #1 – NASA Program Management Fundamentals (APPEL – PgM01F)

PgM Series #1 – NASA Program Management Fundamentals (APPEL – PgM01F)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
PgM Series #2 – Effective Program Governance (APPEL – PgM02G)

PgM Series #2 – Effective Program Governance (APPEL – PgM02G)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
PgM Series #3 – Financial Management for Program Managers (APPEL – PgM03FIN)

PgM Series #3 – Financial Management for Program Managers (APPEL – PgM03FIN)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
PgM Series #4 – Program Decision Making (APPEL – PgM04DM)

PgM Series #4 – Program Decision Making (APPEL – PgM04DM)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
PgM Series #5 – Navigating Program Politics (APPEL – PgM05PP)

PgM Series #5 – Navigating Program Politics (APPEL – PgM05PP)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
PgM Series #6 – NASA Program Leadership (APPEL – PgM06PL)

PgM Series #6 – NASA Program Leadership (APPEL – PgM06PL)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Presentation Skills for Technical Professionals (APPEL-vPSTP)

Presentation Skills for Technical Professionals (APPEL-vPSTP)

Present with confidence and authenticity.
Aug 8, 2024Sep 10-11, 2024Oct 16-17, 2024
Registration opens on:

Aug 01, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Project Acquisition Workshop (APPEL-PAW)

Project Acquisition Workshop (APPEL-PAW)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Project Management and Systems Engineering (APPEL-vPM&SE)
Project Management for non-Technical Managers (APPEL-vPMnTM)
No courses currently scheduled.
Project Management Institute

Project Management Institute

A link to Project Management Institute (PMI) learning resources.
Project Management Leadership Lab (3 Day) (APPEL-vPM-LAB3)

Project Management Leadership Lab (3 Day) (APPEL-vPM-LAB3)

Team, leadership, management, project tools, simulation.
No courses currently scheduled.
Project Management Scheduling at NASA (APPEL-vPMSCHED)

Project Management Scheduling at NASA (APPEL-vPMSCHED)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Project Planning Analysis and Control (APPEL-vPPAC)

Project Planning Analysis and Control (APPEL-vPPAC)

Learn project management fundamentals across the entire project life cycle.
Oct 7-11, 2024
Registration opens on:

Aug 01, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Real World Application of Model-Based Systems Engineering (APPEL – vAMBSE4)

Real World Application of Model-Based Systems Engineering (APPEL – vAMBSE4)

Applying SysML and MBSE models help focus our design efforts.
No courses currently scheduled.
Recovery of Troubled Projects (APPEL-vRTP)

Recovery of Troubled Projects (APPEL-vRTP)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Requirements Development and Management – Team (APPEL-vREQ-T)
Requirements Development and Management (APPEL-vREQ)

Requirements Development and Management (APPEL-vREQ)

Using scope to create better products.
No courses currently scheduled.
Risk Management I (APPEL-vRM I)

Risk Management I (APPEL-vRM I)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Risk Management II (APPEL-vRM II)

Risk Management II (APPEL-vRM II)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Scheduling and Cost Control (APPEL-vSCC)

Scheduling and Cost Control (APPEL-vSCC)

Learn to develop effective measures for scheduling and controlling projects.
Scheduling Virtual Learning Lab (APPEL-SVLL)
Science Mission & Systems: Design & Operations (APPEL-vSMSDO)
No courses currently scheduled.
Science Mission & Systems: Design & Operations Lab (APPEL-vSMSDO-LAB)
No courses currently scheduled.
Shared Voyage: Learning and Unlearning from Remarkable Projects

Shared Voyage: Learning and Unlearning from Remarkable Projects

A case study book comprised of stories collected from key members of four project teams.
Situational Leadership Essentials (APPEL-SLE)

Situational Leadership Essentials (APPEL-SLE)

Discover a timeless, repeatable framework for effective influence.
Software Engineering Management (APPEL-SWEM)

Software Engineering Management (APPEL-SWEM)

Hands-on software project management.
No courses currently scheduled.
Space Launch and Transportation System (APPEL-vSLTS)

Space Launch and Transportation System (APPEL-vSLTS)

Creating overall mission architectures.
No courses currently scheduled.
Space Mission Operations (APPEL-vSMO)

Space Mission Operations (APPEL-vSMO)

Orchestrating infrastructure, processes, and people to support successful space missions.
No courses currently scheduled.
Space System Verification and Validation (APPEL-vSSVV)

Space System Verification and Validation (APPEL-vSSVV)

Building the right system with the right design.
No courses currently scheduled.
Strategic Thinking for Project Success (APPEL-vSTPS)

Strategic Thinking for Project Success (APPEL-vSTPS)

This course is being updated with current information and best practices. The next anticipated offering is FY25 Q2.
No courses currently scheduled.
Systems Thinking Across the NASA Project Lifecycle (APPEL-vSTNPL)

Systems Thinking Across the NASA Project Lifecycle (APPEL-vSTNPL)

Develop systems-level frameworks for decision-making
No courses currently scheduled.
Tactical Skills for Creating High Performance Teams (APPEL-vCHPT)

Tactical Skills for Creating High Performance Teams (APPEL-vCHPT)

Learn new leadership skills to enable and accelerate space systems development.
Team Leadership (APPEL-vTL)

Team Leadership (APPEL-vTL)

Improving team leadership skills.
Sep 17-19, 2024Oct 21-23, 2024
Registration opens on:

Aug 01, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Team Membership (APPEL-vTM)

Team Membership (APPEL-vTM)

Working effectively within a team.
No courses currently scheduled.
The Best Teams: Introverts, Extraverts and Ambiverts (APPEL-vTBT)

The Best Teams: Introverts, Extraverts and Ambiverts (APPEL-vTBT)

Personality-based tactics for building effective teams.
No courses currently scheduled.
Types of Contracts (APPEL-vCONT)

Types of Contracts (APPEL-vCONT)

Understanding the conditions for use of various contract types.
No courses currently scheduled.
Understanding Earned Value Management (APPEL-vUEVM)

Understanding Earned Value Management (APPEL-vUEVM)

This course is being updated. Scheduling is limited to center-requested offerings until updates are complete.
Oct 29, 2024
Registration opens on:

Aug 01, 2024

Click here to download a calendar reminder.
Writing for Technical Professionals (APPEL-vTW)

Writing for Technical Professionals (APPEL-vTW)

Improving technical communication.